Iron Throne of Misery: GoT Fans Crown Westeros' Most Pathetic Characters

Iron Throne of Misery: GoT Fans Crown Westeros' Most Pathetic Characters
Image credit: HBO

The show has given viewers many memorable villains. And while Cersei Lannister's motivation can at least be understandable, then these thugs are hated by absolutely every single fan of the series.

Game of Thrones has often become a parable, forcing characters to retrain themselves. The unprincipled Hound (aka Sandor Clegane) sided with good even as he retained his irreconcilable personality traits. And Jaime Lannister had a whole arc where he went from being an arrogant guy to a man who becomes a true knight.

Some characters, however, have no chance at redemption.

3. Viserys Targaryen

Viserys Targaryen, Daenerys' older brother, is another character that fans have found pathetic. His constant thirst for power and entitlement made him insufferable. From the moment he sold his sister to Khal Drogo in exchange for an army, it was clear that Viserys had no redeeming qualities.

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His arrogance and inability to understand Dothraki culture led to his ultimate downfall when Khal Drogo killed him by pouring molten gold over his head. Viserys' death was met with a mixture of satisfaction, as fans were glad to see him removed from the show.

2. Meryn Trant

Meryn Trant, a member of the Kingsguard, was never a fan favorite. His lack of redeeming qualities and his cruel actions throughout the series have made him a despicable character. Trant's most infamous act was his involvement in the brutal murder of Arya Stark's swordfighting instructor, Syrio Forel.

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His blind loyalty to the Lannisters and his willingness to carry out their heinous deeds have made him a reviled character among fans. His demise at the hands of Arya in the Braavos brothel was met with cheers and a collective sigh of relief from viewers.

1. Janos Slynt

Janos Slynt, former commander of the City Watch in King's Landing, is considered by fans to be the most pathetic enemy. His constant cowardice and lack of loyalty made him a frustrating presence on the show.

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Slynt's betrayal of Ned Stark and subsequent rise to power under Joffrey Baratheon showed his opportunistic nature. However, when faced with the threat of the White Walkers, Janos' cowardice was once again exposed, leading to his execution by Jon Snow.

Fans rejoiced at this moment, as it symbolized justice being served to a character who had consistently proven himself to be pathetic.

Source: Reddit