Insane Friends Theory That Will Forever Change The Way You Look At Ross And Rachel

Insane Friends Theory That Will Forever Change The Way You Look At Ross And Rachel
Image credit: NBC

Hear that glass shattering sound?

Probably the worst thing in the world is to be disappointed when you find out that something you really believed in was a bunch of lies. Like the fact that there is no tooth fairy, or that money beans don't grow on a magic tree.

Or how a sitcom love that you always held close to your heart like a role model is actually not so real and probably not love at all. It's hard to find anyone who has never watched Friends, or at least doesn't know about Ross and Rachel's weird relationship.

Their story was this typical on-again, off-again affair and "will they won't they" type of thing. They both did some things they shouldn't be proud of, but the show always gave them opportunities to do some damage control, serving it under the "lobster" sauce.

So when we watched the show, there was no way we could have imagined that Ross and Rachel would not stay together at the end, since they had overcome so many obstacles to actually remain a couple. But there is an alternative opinion.

Many fans are sure that Ross never really loved Rachel. He was just obsessed with the fact that they were together.

“Ross was obsessive, jealous and controlling during the time he and Rachel dated, which are all signs of unhealthy attachment rather than true love. He wasn’t exactly supportive of any of her decisions, especially those involving her career. I don’t think Ross has ever exhibited unconditional love towards her throughout the entire series. It was just a dark obsession,” Redditor killerbee333 said.

Well, unfortunately, this theory may actually be completely true. See for yourself: the obsession started when they were still teenagers, but nothing worked out for them at that time.

Yes, Ross dates women, even marries Carol, but only to find out in the end that he is not over Rachel at all. And when she comes back into his life, it only takes a minute for his obsession to start again.

Insane Friends Theory That Will Forever Change The Way You Look At Ross And Rachel - image 1

The perfect example is actually the time when Rachel started her journey in the fashion industry and became a successful employee of Bloomingdales. Ross couldn't stand it. And while back then we thought it was cute that he wanted to spend more time with his busy girlfriend, now we see how crazy his actions really were.

Well, if you feel like watching the show again to rub your eyes and see everything clearly, it's time to binge-watch Friends on Netflix.