If Carl Survived In The Walking Dead, He Could Have Become The Next Negan

If Carl Survived In The Walking Dead, He Could Have Become The Next Negan
Image credit: Legion-Media/AMC

Fans have come up with a killer plot for Carl if he didn't die.

In The Walking Dead, Carl's character growth was all about showing how he could handle himself and stay alive in a brutal world.

As he got older, we could see hints of his potential as a tough and capable leader, just like his dad. But unfortunately, Carl's death in season eight messed up his whole character arc.

A Reddit user shared their theory exploring a different path for Carl, where he embraces his darker instincts and evolves into the very embodiment of everything Rick despised.

Negan, the charismatic and brutal leader of the Saviors, left an indelible mark on the series. With his "might makes right" philosophy and ruthless methods, he ruled over his followers with an iron fist.

The theory posits that had Carl survived, he could have been influenced by Negan's brutal ways, either through direct interaction or witnessing the aftermath of his actions.

This hypothetical story would see Carl embrace the ideology of strength and dominance, transforming him into a formidable warlord figure.

Losing his mother at an early age and growing up in a world overrun by walkers, Carl has experienced significant trauma.

If he also witnessed his father's death, it could have distorted Carl's moral compass, leading him down a path that contradicts his father's teachings.

The absence of a strong parental figure could have contributed to a desire for control and power and a loss of empathy.

If Carl were to transform into a warlord-type character, the ramifications for the group would be profound.

Having experienced the consequences of tyranny under the Governor and Negan, Rick and his allies fought to create a society built on cooperation and shared values.

Carl's turn towards tyranny would have directly challenged the hard-fought progress they had achieved. And it would be actually interesting to witness.

There might also be a philosophical implication of such a turn of events.

Rick had strived to impart his principles of compassion and fairness onto his son, but if Carl became "the next Negan", it would challenge the idea that upbringing alone determines one's moral compass.

Source: Reddit