"I'm Fiiiine!": 3 Friends Characters That Are Certified Drama Queens

Image credit: Legion-Media

Bring out the drama.

Friends have given us a great deal of iconic lines in 10 years. Really, one can even just say the word "unagi" and put two fingers near the forehead and everyone around will burst into laughter.

Or if someone yells "pivot" three times – the immediate answer will be triple "shut up". Yes, Ross Geller is definitely one of the characters that provides fans with catchy phrases. But most of them were said…during some sort of a life-crisis.

One of the greatest outbursts in TV history is also Geller's. The episode is called The One Where Ross Is Fine and despite the title, Ross was actually too far from being fine there.

He just found out that Rachel and Joey are some sort of couple now and wanted to show them that he was okay with that.

In its own way… "I'm fine! Totally fine. I don't know why it's coming out all loud and squeaky, 'cause really, (deep voice) I'm fine" he said to his friends.

But they didn't buy it. And so did the fans, mostly because the whole episode was full of Ross' minor outbursts.

"It's a fantastic episode! My favorite part is when Ross offers to make a pitcher of margaritas, snaps and stomps on the floor. Cracks me up every time!" Reddit user ObservationSlave said.

But of course other members of the group made the fans laugh in different ways.

Just remember how many times Phoebe had lost it during the series! Mostly about some random things and at times when she actually shouldn't even be mad.

Like the time she was telling stories about her friend Denise and nobody knew who she was. Or when Joey thought he was already great at French, but Phoebe knew that he was not… speaking… FRENCH!

"Love how this whole thread is mostly Phoebe freaking out about various things, never realized how many funny outbursts she has," Reddit user maesterSnufflePaws said.

The third character in the series that was also losing it from time to time is surely Rachel. Although, given her history with Ross, that may not come as a surprise.

Remember how she was disappointed in Ross, because he didn't read her letter when they decided to be together after all the "we were on a break" drama?

So, Rachel found a way to get back at Ross. "Just so you know, it's NOT that common, it DOESN'T happen to every guy, and it IS a big deal!" she yelled, alluding to his recent failed sexual performance.

One thing left to know: do you think Ross was also fine at that moment?..