How Often Has Doctor Who Hinted at the Doctor Having Sex? Spoiler Alert: Too Often

How Often Has Doctor Who Hinted at the Doctor Having Sex? Spoiler Alert: Too Often
Image credit: BBC

Doctor Who may be a kids’ show, but there are certain references for adults only.

If you’ve ever wondered if the Doctor has ever engaged in sexual relations, this one is for you.

Here are seven times Doctor Who has implied that the all-time favorite Time Lord is active in the bedroom department.

7. The Empty Child & The Doctor Dances (2005)

The story arc is definitely not for children, but it was still 2005, and Steven Moffat had to be careful with sexual innuendos. However, the whole running gag with the Doctor dancing can definitely be interpreted as another physical activity. Moffat himself confirmed it!

6. The Girl in the Fireplace (2006)

Another Moffat episode, another dancing joke. This time, we even know the person that the Doctor goes “dancing” with! Remember when the Doctor returns from Madame de Pompadour’s party looking all happy and says, “There comes a time when every lonely little boy must learn to dance.”? Exactly.

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5. The Dying Days (1997)

That’s a novel that follows the Eighth Doctor and his companion Bernice Summerfield. Apparently, the ending of the book implies that the two of them have some fun in the sack. It may not be an episode of the show, but it is a licensed Doctor Who fiction, so it counts!

4. Doomsday (2006)

When Rose hints that there’s a baby now (meaning that Jackie is pregnant), the Doctor asks, “You’re not…?” The Doctor and Rose are definitely in love by that point (even if she doesn’t get to hear the actual words from him), and they must’ve done the deed in the TARDIS, which is why the Doctor thinks that Rose might be pregnant.

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3. The Beast Below & The End of Time (2010)

Queen Elizabeth I, aka the Virgin Queen, has been the butt of countless jokes, and Doctor Who is no different. First, the Tenth Doctor says that he married Elizabeth, adding that “her nickname is no longer… [you know].” Second, the Eleventh Doctor meets Liz (the future Queen of England), who insinuates the same thing by saying, “So much for the Virgin Queen, you bad, bad boy.”

2. The Impossible Astronaut (2011)

River Song is the Doctor’s wife, so it’s only natural that they have some sort of physical relationship. However, this episode’s joke is so outrageous that we still can’t believe it made it into the show! The Doctor tells River to shout if anything goes wrong, to which she replies, “Don’t worry, I’m quite the screamer. Now there’s a spoiler for you.” No comment.

1. The Premise of the Show

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The First Doctor travels with his granddaughter Susan, and over the years, we have received numerous confirmations that the Doctor was a dad once and had a family. Now we don’t know how Time Lords procreate, but they are humanoid, you know.

Doctor Who is no children’s show if you look closely enough!