How I Met Your Mother Was a Lot Cringier Than You Remember

How I Met Your Mother Was a Lot Cringier Than You Remember
Image credit: Legion-Media

Following its predecessor Friends, the once-popular sitcom How I Met Your Mother has not aged well. At least, not everything about it…

Starting in 2005 and concluding in 2014, the show ran for 9 seasons. After it ended, however, many fans began to notice things that were pretty "obnoxious", even though they were considered normal and even "funny" at the time.

HIMYM is not the only poorly executed phenomenon when it comes to bringing the jokes of the olden days into today's context.

Time to dig into some of the most cringeworthy parts of HIMYM!

Literally Anything About the Disastrous Trio That Ted, Robin, and Barney Were

Looking back on the whole love triangle situation that Ted, Robin, and Barney had going, some fans are convinced that not only was it not the best idea to introduce it in the first place, but also their interactions with each other were seriously cringeworthy at times.

Think of how Ted and Barney re-caught feelings for Robin out of the blue, tried to sabotage her relationship with Don, and discussed who should "have" Robin first. Pretty gross, right?

Robin was no better though. She did her share of sabotaging both Ted's and Barney's relationships. Don't even get us started on how she left Barney hanging after he broke up with Nora. What even was that?

Lily and Marshall's Not-So-Sexy Exchanges

While Lily is generally despised by the fans, many seem to agree that Marshmallow and Lilypad were quite cute as a couple. Again, this was not always the case.

Remember when they decided to finally try for a baby (for the billionth time) and Lily said, "Marshall Eriksen, put a baby in my belly!"? This is a classic example of "some things are better left unsaid" (or at least off-screen). Ugh!

If you thought that was sexy, maybe you were a fan of the show's running joke about Lily being horny and talking dirty to Marshall while in public.

Imagine if the situation was reversed, and Lily was a guy. Would people like it then? Hard to say.

All the Pickup Lines Barney Used on His "Bimbos"

It is safe to say that Barney Stinson would definitely get the show canceled today. However, even back then, his embarrassingly obvious pickup lines made some fans cringe hard.

What people are completely shocked about is the fact that on the show his lines somehow managed to work on hundreds of women – no matter how smart they were.

Many admit that in real life Barney would be considered a huge creep and would not be as successful with women as he was on the show. Well, looks are not enough in 2023!

Some fans, though, are still devoted to How I Met Your Mother and are ready to get up in arms if someone starts bashing their beloved show.

Whatever side you are on, hopefully, you can agree that considering the show ended 8 years ago, it is time to finally put some debate to rest…