How GoT Fans' Mentality Has Ruined Succession For Everyone

How GoT Fans' Mentality Has Ruined Succession For Everyone
Image credit: Legion-Media

The show is over, but the networks are still dealing with the consequences.

Despite Game of Thrones ' horrible finale, which is still being discussed left, right, and center on the Internet, the show stood out with its fanbase.

It's nothing new for fans to pick sides and rally around their favorite characters. This time, however, they took it a step further and started forming teams around the houses they supported.

The same thing happened to Marvel viewers in 2016 when Captain America: Civil War was about to come out and split the fandom in two, with #TeamCap rooting for Steve Rogers and #TeamTony rooting for Tony Stark.

However, what can be a nice marketing campaign for the movie can easily ruin the perception of an 8-year TV series.

Fans feel that after Game of Thrones, this team mentality has been adapted not only for the shows where it's somewhat appropriate, like House of the Dragon, but also for the shows where it's not necessary at all, like Succession.

Some even go so far as to say that it ruins the perception of the show and diminishes the work that the writers put into it.

It's pretty obvious that in a show like Succession, there's no one who's completely right or wrong. All of the characters are morally gray because they are victims of abuse, but also grow up to be abusers themselves.

They're interesting and complicated in a way that you can't just describe as protagonist or antagonist. And it's more than okay not to identify with any of them.

Some fans, however, seem to disagree, continuing to root for one and completely ignoring the antics of the other.

There's nothing wrong with being #TeamKendall or #TeamShiv, but you have to be more careful and look at the other characters just as closely to see the real point of what's going on.

With all the bad takes, weird Twitter threads, and Reddit posts that seem to miss the point completely, it is becoming increasingly frustrating to exist in the Succession fandom without taking a side.

No doubt this doesn't affect the quality of the show in any way, but it does raise a serious question for further discussion about media consumption.

Whether you're rooting for your favorite Roy sibling or just enjoying the messy drama of it all, don't forget to tune in to HBO on Sundays to not miss another Succession episode.