How General Hospital Is Being Ruined By Granny Wars

How General Hospital Is Being Ruined By Granny Wars
Image credit: ABC

If the internet can't influence writers, maybe the drop in ratings will.

It's no secret to anyone that General Hospital is not in its prime right now.

The legendary soap's 60th anniversary year turned out to be a huge disappointment for viewers, and now all that's left to do is skip episode after episode, hoping for something really interesting to happen.

Between losing the show's talented actors and getting stuck in the loop of repetitive storylines, fans are starting to lose it and are looking for someone to blame.

The most obvious candidates would be Chris Van Etten and Dan O'Connor, who currently head the show's writers room.

Despite countless threads on Reddit, posts on Twitter, and articles in the media about how much of a mess General Hospital has become over the past few years, it looks like they are still heading in the same direction.

Fans all over the web have already lost hope of influencing the showrunners in any way: after all, it has a large audience of an older generation that only watches it on TV.

However, it seems that the TV viewers have also spoken, in the most powerful way they can. Since the beginning of April, General Hospital's ratings have been on the decline, not even compared to what they were in March.

The week of 4/24/23 they were 0.28 compared to the week of 3/27/23 with 0.34, and that is just one of the examples.

Of course, one could argue that TV ratings are meaningless and irrelevant, but they mostly confirm what everyone already knew: people don't want to tune in anymore.

If they already know they are going to have to watch another round of Nina and Carly's granny war, or someone finds out about their fatal disease, viewers prefer to skip an episode.

If General Hospital's writing doesn't improve, ABC may have to make a tough decision. Fans are not too worried about the cancellation of the show yet, but they would prefer to avoid the fate of Days of Our Lives.

Putting the show on streaming only would be the first step in saying goodbye to it.

If you want to watch new episodes of General Hospital, you can still tune in to ABC Monday through Friday.