
Hot Take: The Twilight Reboot Should Make Edward Cullen... The Bad Guy

Hot Take: The Twilight Reboot Should Make Edward Cullen... The Bad Guy
Image credit: Legion-Media

Don't tell us you have never thought about it.

Yes, yet another reboot is on its way! Right after the news about the TV version of Harry Potter coming up, the turn of the Twilight saga has come, and we can’t stop thinking about what it could be. Because it would be too easy just to take Stephenie Meyer's books and just recreate it all again on a small screen.

Instead, wouldn't it be amazing to create something completely new, but with a sprinkle of something everyone has secretly dreamed of? What if showrunners decide to totally reshape several character’s personalities… and maybe even switch sides? In particular, turn Edward Cullen into the main villain of the story, or as he said himself, a “predator.”

Well, it sounds weird at first, but then you suddenly fall in love with the idea. In the original saga, Edward is a 100-year-old vampire who meets a teenage girl and suddenly falls in love – apparently, for the first time in his life.

Sounds dreamy, but only for the hopeless romantics out there. A realist would see this as a dangerous immortal creature stalking a young, innocent, and naive girl, and turning her life into hell.

Frankly, if we analyze Edward as a character, there are a lot of things that at first glance suggest that he has the potential to be a great villain. Having to deal with childhood traumas, then basically being an old man trapped in a 17-year-old body, spending his time in a school over and over again (God knows why).

All this could easily have turned him into some kind of maniac or psychopath. And yes, have we already mentioned that he is actually a blood-craving predator?

So seeing Edward as a deranged immortal being hunting Bella in the new series would be a breath of fresh air, even though it’s hard to say whether it would work out on the small screen.

Yes, this may sound creepy and terrifying, but it may also be a clear signal that the Twilight reboot should embrace these scary elements instead of avoiding them. No romance, but pure horror instead! After all, it is a vampire movie! And for heaven’s sake, do not make these vampires sparkle again.