Hot Take: The Office's Angela Is a Decent Person, And Pam? Not So Much

Hot Take: The Office's Angela Is a Decent Person, And Pam? Not So Much
Image credit: Legion-Media/NBC

Changing your mind about a character after watching a show for 10 times is only natural.

What are the essential elements of a successful comedy show? Definitely a compelling, intriguing and complex storyline, full of unexpected twists and turns, and a cast talented enough to blend into the show and become a unified whole.

Then the creators add some other little ingredients that make their magic work in a bigger picture and finally the fans get an hilarious show with a specific humor that makes you laugh your lungs out.

Well, that seems to have been the recipe the creators of The Office used to make the show. And the cast part was taken the most seriously, fans agree.

The variety of characters and the diversity of their personalities is really fascinating. There are a lot of main characters in the show and everyone is unique in their own way.

That's why it's almost impossible to pick favorites while watching the show. However, there are some characters that tend to have a more positive vibe than others. For example, let's take Pam.

From the very first episodes, she steals our hearts. We see her unhappy in a relationship, hating her job, only enjoying her co-worker Jim, and unable to do anything to change her life for the better.

Surely it takes no time for fans to develop a true love mixed with pity for a character like Pam.

On the other hand, there's another female character, Angela Martin. Angela is a strong-willed, strict woman who never bothers to think about other people's feelings and is annoyed by almost everyone around her.

Not that great of a picture, huh? But there's been a hot conversation on Reddit about whether Angela is really that evil, and whether Pam really deserves our love.

"After binge watching The Office many many times, Pam is starting to get annoying and Angela is starting to make more sense. Does anyone feel the same?

Like, I agree with Angela way more than I would the first time I watched it years ago. She's also hilarious with her little answers to Pam's behavior sometimes," Redditor fernandaffp said.

Well, this kind of revelation caused a spicy discussion, but surprisingly, there were a lot of fans that agreed with that though. Sure, they wouldn't call Pam a mattress...

But really, Pam, just relax a bit!