
Horror Movies Plot Mistakes That Instantly Turn It Into A Comedy

Horror Movies Plot Mistakes That Instantly Turn It Into A Comedy
Image credit: globallookpress

Sometimes some random horror cliché can destroy the intensity of the movie and make it less scary.

Horror films are meant to thrill and scare audiences, but sometimes things can go horribly wrong.

From certain plot twists to the stupidity of the film's characters, all sorts of things can unintentionally turn a potentially scary film into an absurd comedy.

Here are 5 common plot mistakes that we think can instantly ruin horrors.

Poorly Executed Jump Scares

Jump scares are a staple of horror films, but when poorly executed or overused, they can become more comical than terrifying.

If the timing or build-up is off, instead of slowly building fear that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the end of the film, these moments can only make you feel startled for a second.

When Characters Ignore Warnings

In horror films, characters often make questionable decisions that defy logic. For example, when all the signs tell them not to go to a certain place, or not to mess with certain people, but they still do the opposite.

Do you hate your life that much or what?

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When There Is A Strange Noise And The Characters Yell "Hello"

If you hear a strange noise and know that you're potentially supposed to be alone, that means you're in danger and need to hide ASAP.

Don't announce your presence and tell the intruder that you are there and ready to be sliced and diced. As soon as the characters start doing this annoying thing, the suspense flies out the window in a flash.

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Poor Plot Twists

Plot twists are an essential element of horror films, but if they are too predictable or clichéd, they can become unintentionally humorous and ruin the film's potential.

If we can see the twist coming a mile away, we no longer take the movie seriously.

When The Victim Defeats A Bad Guy But Never Finishes Him Off

This annoys us so much. Why is it that the characters never finish off the villain when they have the chance to do so?

It can be so frustrating and even comical to see them knock the bad guy out and then just run away as if he won't wake up in a few seconds and keep chasing them.

Similarly, when the killer gets stabbed, shot, or run over again and again, but keeps coming back — we know that the psychos are stronger than normal people, but what the hell?