
Hopelessly Bad: 5 Movies with a 0% Freshness Rating on Rotten Tomatoes

Hopelessly Bad: 5 Movies with a 0% Freshness Rating on Rotten Tomatoes
Image credit: Emmett Furla Oasis Films / Fiore Films LLC / Ingenious

These movies were so bad, they didn’t even deserve 1%.

The review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes has been around for 25 years. In that time, the website has collected millions of reviews from critics and viewers, and have given more than one worthy movie a rotten tomato.

But more often the low rating still goes to reprehensible movie. We're going to take a look at the worst of the worst, the movies that proudly have a zero rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

1. Dark Crimes

One of Jim Carrey 's rare dramatic roles came in the Polish movie. It is based on the true story of writer Krystian Bala, who murdered his wife's lover and detailed the process in a later published novel.

Despite the intriguing synopsis, critics agreed after the premiere that Dark Crimes turned out to be a sterile, boring, poorly written and acted thriller full of clichés and misogyny.

2. One Missed Call

The 2000's can be considered the era of Japanese horror remakes. After the success of Gore Verbinski’s The Ring, Japanese horror remakes became a trend.

Among the money hunters was Warner Bros., which sent French director Eric Valette to direct a remake of Takashi Miike's movie.

2008’s One Missed Call repeats the original almost word for word, but it is so defiantly tasteless that the title of the worst movie of the year is no surprise.

3. Gotti

John Gotti's gangster story has been adapted into many movies. Kevin Connolly’s version is now the last recourse to the events of half a century ago.

The Gotti movie has been accused of whitewashing the bloody criminal, portraying him as a kind family man and a decent neighbor who simply kept order in his neighborhood.

4. Return to the Blue Lagoon

Henry de Vere Stacpoole’s novel about teenagers stranded on a desert island has been made into a movie five times since its publication. The 1980 version starring Brooke Shields and Christopher Atkins is considered iconic.

In the early 90s, a sequel Return to the Blue Lagoon was released, starring a young Milla Jovovich and Brian Krause. So young, in fact, that Milla Jovovich was only 15 when the erotic scenes were filmed, which caused a scandal and a drop in ratings.

5. Highlander II: The Quickening

Highlander II left the audience in disbelief. Not only does the movie contradict the whole logic of the universe, making immortal aliens, but also a superficially worked out plot with an abundance of plot holes and inconsistencies multiplies the pain of watching.

Fans and critics called it not only the worst movie of the series, but also one of the worst films in the history of cinema.