HIMYM Theory Turns Barney's Suiting Up Unnecessarily Dark (Still, It Kinda Makes Sense)

HIMYM Theory Turns Barney's Suiting Up Unnecessarily Dark (Still, It Kinda Makes Sense)
Image credit: Legion-Media

Suiting up never failed him, but it seems like he was just lucky enough.

The fans of the legen-(wait for it)-dary show How I Met Your Mother love it for many reasons, and the cast is maybe the main one.

But the character who probably caused more questions during the show and has the most controversial personality was Barney Stinson, amazingly portrayed by Neil Patrick Harris.

His talent for providing most of the humor in a show about a young man searching for his soulmate earned his status of a legendary character.

He became famous for his many catchphrases such as "Have you met Ted?", "It's gonna be legendary!", and perhaps the most famous one – "Suit up!

Well, the audience of the show can easily say that Barney's relationship with his wardrobe was, at the very least, odd.

But the most creative fans have come up with theories that, while Barney really did love his suits, there was a deeper meaning to them.

Redditors started the rumor that the suits weren't what they seemed, but are actually a metaphor for his… drug addiction.

This was never mentioned in the show (no wonder), but there are actually some hints that it might not be the crazy conspiracy talk, but a real thing.

For example, he really did choose his suits over girls. This happened in episode 12 of season 5, when the girl he was "dating" told him she hated guys who wore suits.

To get her, Barney temporarily gave up his suits and changed his appearance.

But after that, the show said, he started sweating, ticking, having trouble breathing, etc. All the symptoms are usually associated with withdrawal. Was it just a coincidence?

In the same episode, it was revealed that he hid a suit in the bathroom of the bar and went in to put on his suit for "a minute"... And then magic happened and he came out feeling better.

Well, while the episode was fun to watch, it also made it clear that Barney was indeed struggling with an addiction. But whether it was suits or some kind of drug is up to the interpretation of the fans.

Source: Reddit