HIMYM Finale Is Hated For A Reason, And Here's Why

HIMYM Finale Is Hated For A Reason, And Here's Why
Image credit: CBS

There is a place for hate, even when it comes to something you care deeply about.

How I Met Your Mother is one of those shows that fans can discuss endlessly, theorizing about how certain events might have played out if this or that had never happened.

The show may just seem like something we already know (the lives of a group of friends in New York is not a rare premise), but this show gives fans much more than that.

The main question of the story is actually in the name of the show. So throughout the series we get to witness the life of the main character, Ted, who is handling his life in all the wrong ways in a desperate hope to find love and get married.

Unfortunately, his journey is actually full of pain and disappointment, or moments when he felt like this was "the one" and then completely failed.

But there was one person who got the most attention in the story of how Ted actually met the mother of his children.

Ted and Robin meet in a pilot episode and he immediately falls in love with her.

After that, Robin somehow becomes part of Ted's group of friends, which also includes Lily, Marshall and Barney. The whole season is about whether or not Ted and Robin are going to start a relationship.

And guess what. They did. Their love was the crux of the show, despite the fact that their on-again, off-again, then on-again relationship was a disaster.

Or even never mind that they were seeing other people when they were not together as a couple.

So the real fans know that Robin wasn't the one who married Ted and bore him children.

Yes, when Tracy, the real future wife and mother, came on the scene, it was obvious from the start that she was going to be the "one" that Ted was always looking for.

But the writers didn't leave Robin without love either. They created a storyline where she and Barney fall in love deep enough for Barney to stop being a womanizer and propose to Robin. The whole season was devoted to it.

So just imagine, you have your favorite characters settling into their lives, and then in an instant – everything changes. The whole narrative that has been building for years, for nine seasons actually, destroyed in one final episode.

The writers made you think that Ted and Robin were made for each other in the earlier seasons, but as time goes on, it becomes clear that these two were not going to live happily ever after.

They have their own happy lives, move on from each other, but then bam, the writers decide that they should be together in the end and ruin every storyline they have already built for them.

They killed off Tracy's character with a terminal illness, never even giving Ted time to mourn his loss, and made it all for laughs.

They broke up Barney and Robin, even though, given their personalities, there was absolutely no doubt that it could have been a happy marriage. Needless to say, fans were furious with the finale's outcome.

"As someone who watched the show week to week when it was live on TV, it was an outrage for us fans. We spent so many years invested in this show. Then in the finale, they kill off the mother and Ted ends up with Robin. So damn infuriating," Reddit user lakerfan2413 said.

In an attempt to smooth the situation out, the writers decided to romanticize it by adding the blue horn at the end, making it a kind of loop in the plot.

Just as their love began with Ted's gesture, in order to restart it with his children's blessing, Ted had to make the same gesture again.

Well, How I Met Your Mother's happy ending is probably the one that doesn't really give fans that much satisfaction. Sorry guys, you just killed that "the one" feeling.