
Here's What Will Happen To Eggman in 'Sonic' Universe If Jim Carrey Decides to Retire

Here's What Will Happen To Eggman in 'Sonic' Universe If Jim Carrey Decides to Retire
Image credit: Legion-Media

Jim Carrey has definitely caused waves when he hinted that he could be stepping away from his acting career. He never made his final decision, though.

It seems that the creators of 'Sonic' films have already made up their minds on what they're going to do in case Jim Carrey – the one who portrays Dr. Robotnik a.k.a. Dr. Eggman – does retire from acting.

Would they try and replace him?

"No, we wouldn't even try," producer Neal Moritz said during the IGN-hosted blue carpet event. His fellow producer Toby Ascher was quick to agree.

So will it mean there'll be no Doctor Robotnik – now when Sonic's cinematic universe is just getting started? Not really.

Given that Carrey has not yet announced his final decision on retirement, the 'Sonic' team believes he will come back for more movies about the hedgehog speedster.

"I have a feeling that he loves Robotnik so much that I don't think he'll be able to walk away from that," Moritz said.

What the Sonic universe even is without Robotnik?

Well, if you ask fans, there are plenty of other villains that could cross Sonic.

Even Metal Sonic would still be possible without Eggman, according to some people.

However, the fans seem to already like Carrey's Robotnik way too much to just let go.

With or without Jim Carrey, the creators of 'Sonic' have big plans for the blue hedgehog. After 'Sonic 2' which is currently speeding through theaters, the team wants to go as far as establishing a cinematic universe and introduce more characters – and clearly, we can expect not only Sonic's friends but also his enemies.