
Heath Ledger's Unexpected Talent Left Christian Bale Humiliated

Heath Ledger's Unexpected Talent Left Christian Bale Humiliated
Image credit: Legion-Media

A talented person is talented in everything. This phrase was once again confirmed when Christian Bale revealed Heath Ledger's secret talent.

Turns out, besides being an extremely powerful actor, Heath Ledger was also a talented – wait for it – go-kart racer. This talent of his was revealed in the interview with GQ by Christian Bale, who co-starred with Ledger in The Dark Knight.

Bale told an almost classic average-Joe-turning-hero story of how the go-kart talent of Ledger was discovered by his colleagues on the set of The Dark Night, except there's never been anything 'average' about Heath Ledger.

The cast of the Batman movie used to go blow off steam racing the go-karts. And when it happened for the first time, everyone expected the stunt guys to win a self-organized race, but Heath Ledger beat everyone and got the top place.

"Holy crap, he beat all the stunt guys and everything, he was quick," Bale said.

Apparently, Ledger explained his new-found talent by the fact that his father had been a go-kart racer.

The fact that Heath Ledger actually loved speed and adrenaline rush adds to his wild part, from which the actor definitely draw inspiration for his Joker character. No wonder for many Batman fans Heath Ledger remains the best Joker to this day despite many great actors taking the role before and after him. Ledger managed to step outside his own persona and actually become the Joker.

Heath Ledger's Joker Without Scars and Makeup Looks Even Creepier

With all the insanity and creepy looks, his is the most realistic interpretation of the Joker the world has ever seen. Portraying a psychopath who wants nothing more than chaos and circus theatrics, the actor managed to disappear underneath the make-up.

His unexpected talent in go-kart racing also adds to Ledger's own personality. For a person known to be struggling with a lot of self-doubts, Heath Ledger sure seems extremely talented in everything he did, which makes his death not long after The Dark Night was finished even sadder. This is what Christian Bale spoke about in his interview.

"Very talented individual and a great soul to be around. Yeah, I miss him greatly," Bale, who has repeatedly praised his Dark Night co-star in different interviews, said.

And don't we all profoundly miss Heath Ledger, a star who burnt out far too soon?