
Harry Potter: Hagrid Could've Defeated Voldemort with His Umbrella All Along (We're Not Even Joking)

Harry Potter: Hagrid Could've Defeated Voldemort with His Umbrella All Along (We're Not Even Joking)
Image credit: Warner Bros.

Hagrid was one person other than Harry who could easily defeat Lord Voldemort from the very beginning, and it would’ve been the most unexpected duel result.

“Hagrid could defeat Lord Voldemort head-on using his umbrella to cast magic” sounds like something Gilderoy Lockhart would say after going insane but we promise, it isn’t. What we’re about to tell you is not even a theory: it’s pretty much canon that no one’s ever paid close attention to — though they should have.

Let’s quickly remember how Harry Potter defeated Voldemort, shall we?

Voldemort was wielding the Elder Wand, and the Elder Wand turned against him because its allegiance belonged to Harry. Why did it belong to Harry? Because after Draco Malfoy disarmed Albus Dumbledore, the previous master of the Elder Wand, it became his — and then Harry disarmed Draco and became the Wand’s new master.

When Voldemort tried to use the Elder Wand to kill its true owner, it rebelled and turned against the Dark Lord. As simple as that: a wand’s allegiance protects its master. This is one of the main reasons why Harry won the duel against Voldemort.

Harry Potter: Hagrid Could've Defeated Voldemort with His Umbrella All Along (We're Not Even Joking) - image 1

So, when exactly does Hagrid come into play, you may ask? Decades prior to that.

In The Chamber of Secrets, the Diary of Tom Riddle shows Harry some of its — the future Voldemort’s — memories. Let’s travel back half a century and remember what exactly happened when Riddle tried to pin the blame for Myrtle’s death on Hagrid.

“Riddle raised his wand again, but he was too late. The thing bowled him over as it scuttled away, tearing up the corridor and out of sight. Riddle scrambled to his feet, looking after it; he raised his wand, but the huge boy leapt on him, seized his wand, and threw him back down, yelling, “Nooooooo!”

Hagrid seized Tom Riddle’s wand!

This single episode effectively meant that Hagrid was the true master of Voldemort’s original yew wand — and if during one of the wars, Hagrid confronted Lord Voldemort directly, he would’ve defeated him just like Harry. The yew wand’s allegiance belonged to Hagrid, and he was the one unexpected secret weapon no one really realized even existed.

Of course, Voldemort took Lucius Malfoy’s wand later down the line, and then he switched to the Elder Wand, and after that, Hagrid lost the upper hand. But up until that point, for several decades, Hagrid could’ve defeated Voldemort all by himself!

Source: Reddit