
Harry Potter Fans Still Annoyed Over Terrible Choice for Iconic Role

Harry Potter Fans Still Annoyed Over Terrible Choice for Iconic Role
Image credit: Legion-Media

The iconic trio, Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) and Emma Watson (Hermione Granger), seems to be the perfect choice for the roles in the Harry Potter franchise.

Although some may still complaint about Emma Watson, let's be honest: she is the perfect Hermione. Most likely because that's who Watson is in real life. But in a very heated thread on Reddit Harry Potter fans discuss who of the actors were totally miscast. And there's one character who turns up in comments quite often: Viktor Krum, the Seeker for the Bulgarian Quidditch team.

Harry Potter Fans Still Annoyed Over Terrible Choice for Iconic Role - image 1

To start with, a seeker is the lightest and fastest flier on the team, who needs both a sharp eye and the ability to fly one- or no-handed. And now try to recall Viktor Krum, the character portrayed by Stanislav Ianevsky, a Bulgarian actor, sporting an athletic body of a bodybuilder.

Stanislav was discovered by the Harry Potter casting director Fiona Weir. Ianevsky had no acting background, and before any auditions could take place he had to attend acting classes.

The fans argue that in the books Krum didn't seem like an international caliber athlete or someone the girls would be swooning over but we ended up with a bodybuilder actor. The vibe the producers went for was too harsh and they made him seem just all brute force. And looking back, Ianevsky's Krum does look way too old for 17 or 18 years old.

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One of the fans mentioned how the funniest part is that Igor Karkaroff's assistant (a film-only character) is a lanky dude with long greasy hair, thick dark eyebrows, and a hooked nose. In other words, he looks just like Viktor Krum looks in the books. And this very actor had actually auditioned to play Krum, but the Harry Potter production team said he didn't look like the character at all.

Apart from the fact that the actor was totally miscast, fans say that it is strange that Viktor and Hermione had an affair in first place. Krum was 18, basically, an adult while Hermione was only 14 years old, which makes their "friendship" a bit weird. He totally would get arrested should it happen in real life.

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As for the rest of the lead cast, it was a teenage Tom Riddle, Ginny and young Lily who came under Harry Potter fans' fire as being miscast. It seems that there's no pleasing the fans no matter how hard you try.