
Harry and Hermione Could Have Never Worked As a Couple

Harry and Hermione Could Have Never Worked As a Couple
Image credit: Legion-Media

Sorry, shippers, but it looks like the main characters were always destined for someone else.

Many Harry Potter fans genuinely believed that Harry and his best friend Hermione were supposed to end up together. This is why everyone was surprised — for many people, it was not a pleasant surprise — when Hermione chose Ron, and Harry stayed with his sister, Ginny Weasley.

J.K. Rowling insisted that the way the characters were paired in the seventh book was always supposed to be their endgame. Still, the author did mention that she regrets not pairing Harry and Hermione, arguing that Ron might not be the most suitable man for someone like Hermione.

However, fans believe that even with that in mind, Harry and Hermione could have never worked as a couple — mainly because of the way Rowling wrote their relationship throughout the seven books.

"Also even if you think JK really regrets not pairing Hermione/Harry, she never wrote the books with Harry and Hermione liking each other in mind. It was always Ron Hermione end game," Redditor speakerfordead5 argued.

Even if one desperately wants Harry and Hermione to be together, the book simply never gives one a chance.

"The most hilarious thing is, we are in Harry's head throughout all 7 books. It's his POV. If he had even tiny bit romantic feelings for Hermione we would have known," Reddit user CreativeRock483 added.

In the seventh book, The Deathly Hallows, Harry tells Ron that Hermione is "like my sister, I love her like a sister and I'm sure she feels the same about me too" when he got jealous because of the horcrux.

Still, many people refer to Hermione's own words, like the suggestion to Harry that they should "stay here [in the snowy forest] and get old" when they were travelling without Ron, when they argue that Harry and Hermione should have stayed with each other. The books are also full of hints that there was a romantic possibility for the two, according to one Reddit fan, who even identifies as a "diehard Harry/Ginny shipper".

"The books are full of quotes such as "you've never been more fanciable Harry", Harry and Hermione talking and Ron being suspicious, Hermione saying that Harry "looks tastier than Goyle". Or Harry noticing Hermione's changed looks at the Yule Ball, Hermione saying that Harry isn't a bad kisser, etc. So it's something that is there," Redditor Five_Turkish_Vacuums argued.

No matter what couple is your head canon, the Harry Potter series has established that the only people in the Golden Trio who ended up with each other were Ron and Hermione.