
Halloween Binge Guide: 10 Horror Movies on Netflix to Hail the Pumpkin King

Halloween Binge Guide: 10 Horror Movies on Netflix to Hail the Pumpkin King
Image credit: Legion-Media, Netflix, Universal Pictures

Let’s make your 2023 Halloween special, shall we? Here are ten top-notch Netflix horrors of various kinds but with the same goal: to make you shiver and quiver.

10. Creep & Creep 2

Are you tired of those generic serial killers? The Creep dilogy’s got you: enter Aaron, an utterly messed up maniac who needs to become personally close with his future victims before killing them.

Aaron makes for a unique serial killer, and if after the first movie, you want to delve deeper into his psyche, Creep 2 is there to show you that even insane psychopaths have feelings. Cute, isn’t it?

9. Cabinet of Curiosities

For those seeking a more diverse, visually and artistically stunning, but classic horror, we have an entire anthology series. Cabinet of Curiosities contains a bunch of creepy tales presented by a narrator who “keeps” their artifacts in his titular cabinet.

And yes, this anthology horror has “Guillermo del Toro ” written all over it — and trust us, you won’t regret giving it a chance.

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8. Crimson Peak

Another Guillermo del Toro hit on our list, Crimson Peak saves the need to explain one’s passion for horror stories to both its viewers and its characters. You don’t need to shy away from your love for all things gothic: you share it with the two protagonists who are keen on ghost stories.

That is, until they encounter their very own specters, of course…then, things get increasingly terrifying — GDT knows his job.

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7. I’m Thinking of Ending Things

A real connoisseur, aren’t you? We’ve got just the movie for you, and it’s a terrible movie: I’m Thinking of Ending Things. You will most likely follow its title soon after it starts as, once again, it’s not even a movie.

ITET breaks every single filmmaking rule to do what it does best — dissect lead characters' personalities, twisting and changing them as it goes. It’s hard to describe and even harder to understand. You have to watch it yourself to get it.

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6. The Platform

Few horrors can pique their viewers' curiosity as painfully, reject them any answers as decidedly, and still leave them as content with those small glimpses of truth as The Platform. Throughout the entirety of the movie, you’ll have precisely no context for what’s happening — but that won’t matter.

The brutal experiment set in an intriguing vertical prison will, and it might just break your spirit.

5. Midnight Mass

Let’s take the classic small-town trope, expand it to a modest island plagued with poverty, depression, and distress, and inhabit it with hopeless and tired local folk with the sole dream of leaving this cursed place.

Add an upcoming storm, throw in some supernatural occurrences, and base it on the mixture of unveiled secrets, moral grayness, and the clash of faith and doom. There you have it: Midnight Mass.

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4. The Wretched

We know you missed this genre as we certainly did: there’s a town in the woods, and in those woods, in the dark, a flesh-eating ancient witch lurks. Adults are none the wiser while the dreadful vile creature plagues their town, but kids know — and wish to do something about it…or stay alive, at least.

The Wretched can be creepy or downright gory — but the atmosphere remains immaculate, and the new iterations of classic tropes are top-notch.

3. The Haunting of Hill House

Say farewell to your grasp on reality and the very idea that you can trust your eyes. The Haunting of Hill House leaves no room for certainty as you’ll be aware you’re being tricked but won’t know how exactly: all the horrors of Hill House are hiding in the shadows, or behind the walls, or on the periphery of your vision…

Good luck figuring it out, and don’t become too paranoid: your own walls might appear suspicious if you become too entangled in Hill House’s vision.

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2. The Ritual

Wildwoods are scary as they are, but when you know they contain something ancient and sinister, this makes the situation a bit worse. More so, if you’re a group of bros trying to repair their bond after the brutal death of your buddy — but struggle with not blaming the only one of you who could’ve prevented it.

Visually stunning and with perfect sound design, The Ritual will surely shock you with its haunting monstrosity and the big climax.

1. Get Out

Who would’ve guessed that a movie about feeling like an outsider could evolve so rapidly into the most macabre fest we’ve seen on small screens in a long time? As the protagonist feels alien to all the white guests in his house who fetishize his appearance, Get Out quickly turns into the most unexpected horror development.

The premise might sound as non-horror as it gets, but trust us, you won’t regret giving Get Out a shot — as soon as you can shake off the shock, anyway.

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