Gossip Girl With a Twist: How Would It Go If Characters Weren't This Toxic

Gossip Girl With a Twist: How Would It Go If Characters Weren't This Toxic
Image credit: globallookpress

The original Gossip Girl's popularity stuck with it through the years, and it even got a remake a couple of years ago.

The secret to the series' success is fairly simple: everyone loves their fair share of drama and upper-class intrigues from time to time.

People rewatch Gossip Girl to this day to peek through the window into the rich kids' lives as there's just so much trickery, betrayals, and lies involved…

But Reddit user axlslashduff wondered: what would've happened if the series were about the healthier versions of the same people?

They received an answer that makes a lot of sense from another user — apparently, kasiau93 did their homework on both Gossip Girl and psychology.

First and foremost, according to them, all of the characters would've lost touch after graduating and went their separate ways, for the most part.

Let's see how the events could've unfolded if the show was not about unstable pathological liars, shall we?

Serena van der Woodsen

Serena is going to therapy throughout her high school years. Upon graduating, she enrolls at Brown and soon realizes that higher education is not her thing.

Then, she settles down in Los Angeles and switches various jobs to find out what she enjoys.

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Blair Waldorf

Blair never hazes her teachers, so she enrolls at Yale after graduation. Later, she meets Louis in Paris and gives their relationship a chance.

She's mature enough to act according to the royal protocols, and she becomes a Princess by marrying him.

Nate Archibald

For Nate, nothing really changes. He successfully graduates from Columbia and gets a job at a major newspaper through his grandfather's connections (still without knowing it).

After building a career there for a few years, he decides to go for politics.

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Chuck Bass

Chuck spends a fair few years running his father's company in New York. Later, he decides to leave the city for good and appoints himself as the head of Bass Industries Australia and moves there to continue developing the company.

Dan Humphrey

Dan drops the Gossip Girl blog after graduation and enrolls at Yale with Lily's help. He soon discovers it's not his thing and transfers to NYU and successfully graduates from it.

Dan becomes a published author and launches a new gossip blog for fun.

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Lily van der Woodsen and Rufus Humphrey

Since they are conscious adults and are able to communicate like actual grown-ups, Rufus and Lily are able to work out their issues and end up being together.

This is how Gossip Girl's characters' lives would've looked like without all the unnecessary drama. You can't make such a popular series of it, but everyone's happy and that's what matters.

The lesson here is: communicate, don't overcomplicate, and be nice to each other — and you might just end up happy, too!