Game of Traitors: Real Reason Why Ser Alliser Thorne Hated Jon Snow So Much

Game of Traitors: Real Reason Why Ser Alliser Thorne Hated Jon Snow So Much
Image credit: globallookpress

Jon Snow is one of the few main characters in Game of Thrones who actually lived to the end… Despite dying at some point by his own subordinates.

As we know, the betrayal was set up and orchestrated by Ser Alliser Thorne who had been hating Jon since the first time he arrived at the Wall — but do you know why?

There has been a fair share of speculations about the reasons behind Thorne's concentrated hatred of Jon Snow, but the reality is a bit more complex than "Jon was a cocky little fake lord".

The truth is, Jon claimed to be of Stark descent (little did he know…), and Thorne had a big issue with Starks. He was not called Ser for nothing, after all: during Robert's Rebellion, he was a knight that fought valiantly for the Targaryens.

He was loyal to the King, but after the rebels won, he was sent to the Wall.

Thus, Allister Thorne resented Baratheons and Starks, granted it was Tywin Lannister who exiled him to the North. And Jon Show was known to be a bastard of Ned Stark, one of the leaders of the Rebellion.

That, combined with the fact that since his arrival Jon clearly considered himself special among the criminals the Night Watch mainly consisted of, was pissing Ser Thorne off.

Later down the line, a child of a traitor to House Targaryen became a traitor to his oath: when Jon became Lord Commander of the Night Watch and made a pact with the most hated enemy — the wildlings.

This made him an obvious liability and confirmed his suspicions, as Ser Thorne thought: Jon was now twice a traitor.

So Alliser convinced some of the crows that Jon had to be killed to prevent him from further destroying the Watch and to avenge his betrayal.

With other members of the Night Watch, he lured John into a trap by telling him that uncle Benjen (whose mysterious nature we wrote about here) was back and murdered him.

Now we see that Ser Thorne was not motivated by hatred alone and was by no means a villain. He was trying to do the right thing and remain loyal to House Targaryen and the Night Watch.

But there's a bitter irony in this, too.

Jon was a Targaryen and an elected Lord Commander. So by murdering him, Ser Alliser Thorne did in fact betray both the Targaryens and the Night Watch, which is the opposite of what he was trying to do.