Game of Thrones' Most Hypocritical Character Finally Got Exposed

Game of Thrones' Most Hypocritical Character Finally Got Exposed
Image credit: Legion-Media

Game of Thrones has "betrayal" and "hypocrisy" written all over it, but one character managed to take it to a whole new level — and somehow the fans barely ever talk about it.

Unlike the high fantasy genre, Game of Thrones shows life from a much grimmer and darker perspective.

Barely any character upholds the ideals of the common good and acts accordingly, and those who do typically die off really quickly.

Money, power, sex, and blood move George Martin 's world and most people in it. There's no surprise that in such a world, hypocrisy, double standards, and betrayal of ideals are common.

Every character who managed to live somewhat long through the show had betrayed and switched sides to remain in power or just alive. But the vast majority of them were well aware of what they were doing.

Daenerys Targaryen, on the other hand, wasn't, and she was the biggest hypocrite of them all.

She executed Miri Maz Dur for harming one of the Dothraki leaders claiming it was unacceptable. Later, she executed the rest of the Dothraki leaders herself.

She executed a Mereen citizen for murdering a noble. Later, she fed other nobles to her dragons without any trial.

She was killing slavers and nobles and hated them for forcing the powerless to serve them. Later, she started executing those who refused to serve her.

She talked so much about how she wanted to avoid bloodshed. Later, she stated she was willing to destroy entire cities to get what she wanted… And later yet, she actually did it, as we all know.

Daenerys' infamous concept of "breaking the Wheel" was incredibly hypocritical, too.

"The Wheel" she was talking about was the powerful noble Houses fighting over power and hurting the common folk in the process.

But she saw no issue with her statement even though she was a noble who wanted to take power by confronting the other powerful Houses… And inevitably hurting the common folk in the process.

In the eyes of Daenerys Targaryen, she was never part of the problem: everyone else was.

She condemned the others for malicious actions she was happy to commit herself and claimed to want to break the Wheel she was totally one of the spokes of.

But if all the others did the same, why are we calling her the biggest hypocrite of Game of Thrones?

The thing is, everyone else knew exactly what they were.

Daenerys was the only one delusional enough to truly believe in her righteousness and somehow ignore just how similar she was to all the people who she claimed were evil.