Game of Thrones' Most Badass Fights: Which One Takes the Cake?

Game of Thrones' Most Badass Fights: Which One Takes the Cake?
Image credit: HBO

Game of Thrones had a plenty of spectacular individual fights and big battles, particularly in later seasons, when the series got a bigger budget. But what among them was the best and most badass one?

Establishing objective criteria for such evaluation is a bit difficult, but we can always rely on voice of the people, as manifested in Reddit upvotes. So, what battle on Game of Thrones takes the cake in the popular opinion?

As for big battles, there was no definite answer, with Battle of the Bastards and the wilding attack on the Wall being named as candidates on a Reddit thread. But there was a definite answer for fights between individual characters, and that answer was surprising.

You might think that the viewers' award went to the climactic fight between Prince Martel Oberyn, "The Red Viper" and Gregor Clegane, "The Mountain" in Season 4, Episode 8. Not only it is memorable for its plot importance, dramatic nature and unexpected resolution, the fight choreography also was pretty good. Even the reactions of numerous key characters who watched the fight were golden!

But actually both in the number of posts mentioning it and in the number of upvotes it only got the second place.

And what fight managed to surpass it? The answer is the fight of Sandor Clegane and Arya with the Lannister men at the tavern in Season 4, Episode 1, also known as "the fight for the chickens".

Game of Thrones' Most Badass Fights: Which One Takes the Cake? - image 1

It also has great choreography – and one more suitable for the overall gritty tone of the series, with even one of the best fighters in Westeros having a very hard time against a small group of opponents. It has quite a bit of back-and-forth, leaving the viewers on the edge of their seats, even though it was short, and had effectively-extras fighting on one side.

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It is one of the most brutal fights in the Game of Thrones, which is saying something, when its main contender ended with a man literally getting his head smashed.

Oh, and it also involved Arya starting her revenge in earnest, and the best pre-battle banter in the entire series, gradually building up suspense up until the moment of violent explosion, even though with worse delivery the words might have sounded downright silly – it is not called "the fight for the chickens" for nothing. So, in the end, Sandor and Arya take the cake (and the chickens).