Game of Thrones Creators Call Fans ‘Hypocritical’ for Hating the Finale

Game of Thrones Creators Call Fans ‘Hypocritical’ for Hating the Finale
Image credit: HBO

Fellas, is it hypocritical to dislike someone making a joke out of your favorite show?


  • The Game of Thrones finale caused a massive backlash from frustrated fans who even launched a petition to remake it.
  • Showrunners Benioff and Weiss recently spoke about the fans’ reaction, calling it “hypocritical” and unexpected.
  • Apart from Game of Thrones fans, many star actors also admitted they didn’t like the ending their characters and the show had.

To call Game of Thrones a popular TV show would be saying nothing. This series dominated the planet back in its day, and rightfully so: it became famous at its peak — but sadly, it grew notorious for its finale. To this day, Game of Thrones fans and stars are frustrated with the ending that turned out to be underwhelming at best…

But that’s wrong and hypocritical, according to GoT showrunners Benioff and Weiss.

D&D: GoT Finale Haters Are ‘Hypocritical’

When the Game of Thrones final season was released, the backlash was enormous and wild. Back then, Benioff and Weiss’ names were used as slurs, and the showrunners seemingly zoned out to save their sanity amid all the hate and negativity. That was their best option then, but now, they’re ready to talk all about it.

“It’s hypocritical to love [a show] when it’s blowing in your direction and to decide it’s the end of the world when it’s going the other way, but I think that, yeah, [the finale hate] was the part of it that we hadn’t really accounted for in knowing that some people were going to like it and some people weren’t,” Benioff and Weiss shared on the Happy Sad Confused podcast.

According to the writers, they knew the ending they had planned would be controversial but expected a “fifty-fifty” split instead of the unanimous hate they got.

Is It Really Hypocritical to Hate GoT Finale?

We’re not here to argue with Benioff and Weiss, of course. We quite understand that getting their labor of love destroyed so utterly and repeatedly for years must be hard. We’re even willing to take their words at face value and assume that hating the Game of Thrones finale is, indeed, a hypocritical act… And follow its implications.

Game of Thrones Creators Call Fans ‘Hypocritical’ for Hating the Finale - image 1

Unfortunately, they only take us to one conclusion: not only fans but the vast majority of the Game of Thrones cast were hypocrites. Recalling all the interviews and photos concerning the star actors’ reaction to the final script and their characters’ fate, it definitely looks like no one was a decent enough person to appreciate Benioff and Weiss’ final masterpiece.

It must have been a shame working with and for such people for so long. We’re sorry that D&D had to experience it all as Game of Thrones showrunners; in fact, we’d rather someone else had to go through this nightmare. Especially, starting from S5.

Source: Happy Sad Confused