
Frozen Theory Says Unlikely Character Was Villain All Along; Now Try to Let It Go

Frozen Theory Says Unlikely Character Was Villain All Along; Now Try to Let It Go
Image credit: Legion-Media

It's always the ones who prefer to stay in the shadows.

Now that Disney has officially revealed that a Frozen threequel is in the works, many fans may feel the urge to go back to the roots and re-watch the first movies. Well, we have just the fan theory... to completely ruin it for you.

The first Frozen movie (and arguably the most iconic) is a perfect choice if you want to immerse yourself in a tale of sisterly love and ice magic, but a Reddit theory seems to have revealed an unexpected layer to the story: the one about betrayal and royal intrigue.

Even if you never expected Frozen to turn into Game of Thrones, Redditor obi-jawn-kenobi did. According to their theory, there has been a traitor in Arendell all along: Kai, the castle's butler and royal advisor.

Think about it. The main villain of the story is undoubtedly Hans, who manipulated Anna into falling in love with him so he could become King of Arendelle. But doesn't it seem like he has too much information about how to trap Anna for someone who was never there to learn that much about her?

"Kai observes Anna's song and dance "For The First time In Forever", where she professes her deepest insecurity of being alone and dying to meet someone as well as personal details like wanting to shove chocolates in her face," the theory explains. "As Anna exits the newly opened gates, Kai slips out and tells Prince Hans all he needs to know to manipulate Anna."

Then, the theory goes, Kai becomes Hans' secret advisor on how to win the hearts of the people of Arendell and continue to set things up in a convenient way to continue to manipulate Anna.

"After Anna and Elsa save the day, Kai executes a flawless campaign to cover his a**. He advises leniency to Hans for crimes that would warrant an execution anywhere else, in order to ensure Hans remains silent and never flings an accusation back at him before dying," the theory concludes.

Isn't it also interesting that the butler in the ice magic tale is named Kai? Plus, we know that Kai grew up in the kingdom of Snoob alongside his brother Karl, so who knows where his true loyalties lie.

Seriously, this theory reveals Frozen's huge potential to be Disney's Game of Thrones (which, fortunately for kids who love the movie, hasn't happened and hopefully never will). But now that we have a third installment on the horizon, who's to say the sneaky butler won't be able to bomb back with another dastardly campaign?