
Forget About Final Girl Trope. Here Are 5 Horror Movies With The Best Final Boys

Forget About Final Girl Trope. Here Are 5 Horror Movies With The Best Final Boys
Image credit: Universal Pictures, Renaissance Pictures

Boys in horror movies have their share of suffering, too.

The final girl is a popular and beloved trope that has been at the center of the horror genre for decades. But what about the male characters who survive the terrifying monsters and serial killers and come out of the most disgusting situations alive?

Here are the top 5 final boys who went through a nightmare but still managed to come out on top.

1. Ash Williams — The Evil Dead Franchise

Ash Williams, the beloved horror protagonist, is the lone survivor in the entire Evil Dead series, making him one of the most iconic final boy characters in horror movies. Ash's harsh journey serves as a testament to the human will to survive, even if it means battling the forces of darkness and dead people themselves.

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2. Seth Gecko — From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)

An iconic and charismatic bank robber on the run in Robert Rodriguez's and Quentin Tarantino 's action-packed horror film is one of our favorite final boys. Forced to confront a vampire-filled strip club, Seth relies on quick thinking and firepower to survive the endless night and escape.

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3. John Tate — Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)

As the son of Laurie Strode, John Tate finds himself embroiled in a deadly confrontation with the relentless Michael Myers. Demonstrating his resilience and resourcefulness in the face of pure evil, John manages to survive the terrifying challenge. If you are a survivor of Michael Myers, then you are definitely worthy of the title of the final boy.

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4. Chris Washington — Get Out (2017)

Chris, a Black photographer, uncovers a sinister plot when he meets his white girlfriend's family. Overcoming hypnosis and the family's strange habits, he fights back against the murderous family and escapes from hell, becoming the final boy who defies the trope of Black protagonists dying early in horror movies.

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5. Alex Browning — Final Destination (2000)

While others battle weird families, serial killers, and dark forces, Alex tries to defeat death itself. After a premonition of a plane crash, he and his classmates cheat death by getting off the doomed flight.

Even though we find out in the second part of Final Destination that Alex lost the fight in the end, he really did manage to outwit Death several times, and that's another level of the final boy title.

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