Fear The Walking Dead S8 Premiere Sparks Hope For Decent Finale

Fear The Walking Dead S8 Premiere Sparks Hope For Decent Finale
Image credit: AMC

What should we expect from the final season based on the premiere episode?

Throughout its past seven seasons, Fear the Walking Dead has surprised us many times both in good ways and, unfortunately, sometimes in the worst ways.

However, it seems like the eighth and the final season, which premiered on Sunday, May 14, gives hope for at least satisfactory quality.

After the passage of seven years, we are introduced to a girl named Wren (who is actually a grown-up Mo), played by Zoey Merchant.

In the episode, Wren is determined to prove herself to her trainer, Dove, while feeling a sense of emptiness in her life.

Being a curious child, Mo encounters Madison, who has been imprisoned for seven years due to her attempts to help Mo and Morgan escape the island.

Upon meeting Morgan, Mo's emotions run high, yet she struggles to understand and express them due to her tender age. Nevertheless, she fearlessly speaks her mind.

Mo demonstrates even greater bravery when Madison sacrifices herself to ensure Mo and Morgan's escape. Despite this, Mo feels compelled to go back and save Madison.

While it is still unclear what to expect from the 12-episode final season, the premiere episode stirred up some discussions among the fans.

Fans' opinion divided, with some viewers thinking that it is a good overall start for the season, while others considering it to be disappointing.

Many viewers expressed appreciation for the consistently impressive cinematography and overall production design of the episode that make it visually appealing.

However, there is certain dissatisfaction with the writing. Viewers point out the lack of coherence in the narrative, exemplified by Morgan and Grace seemingly teleporting between locations.

Additionally, Mo's dialogue appears mismatched with her age.

Essentially, the plot fails to provide substantial new information, except for the time jump of seven years and the fact that Morgan and Grace are now working for PADRE.

If you are a fan of the Walking Dead universe, you should watch the episode and form your own opinion about it. The next episode is set to air on May 21, on AMC.

Source: Reddit