
‘F*ck Star Wars!': Fans Furious with Zach Snyder as He Takes the Worst Approach to Marketing New Movie

‘F*ck Star Wars!': Fans Furious with Zach Snyder as He Takes the Worst Approach to Marketing New Movie
Image credit: Netflix

Things were looking rather good for Zach Snyder’s upcoming Rebel Moon until the director made a peculiar statement — and now the entire Star Wars fan base is at war with the man.

Since Zach Snyder is done with DC, he now actually has time for his own projects — and one of them is quickly approaching. Rebel Moon, the director’s own take on what could be described as “Star Wars but it’s R-rated,” has quite a following already…or, at the very least, had. Because recently, Snyder’s team did an oopsie.

It’s no secret that Rebel Moon was initially planned to become part of the Star Wars franchise but it went through multiple stages over the many years.

The final decision was to make it into a completely separate title, and admittedly, Zach Snyder’s team was all too excited about it to the point where it’s now causing problems for the film.

"Once, it was a Star Wars film, and I never wanted it to be. I remember, I said to Zack, 'I just feel like your hands are going to be tied so much in what that IP is,' even though it kind of lived outside of it. So I was kind of happy when that fell apart because I always felt like it was better,” Rebel Moon’s producer Deborah Snyder said.

Even though her comment didn’t contain much sentiment toward the Star Wars franchise, it wasn’t her who angered the fans of this universe. It was another producer of Rebel Moon, Eric Newman, who echoed Deborah’s opinion but took it a step further — and this extra step caused the rage of thousands of Star Wars fans.

"I remember [Zack] calling me at some point, and this has got to be 15 years ago, saying, 'I'm thinking of doing Seven Jedi, in the Star Wars universe.' And I was like, 'Oh, that's a cool idea.' Then, a few years later, he calls me and goes, 'You know, I think it could be a television show.' I'm like, 'Yes, let's do this! F*ck Star Wars!' Newman shared.

This understandably upset a whole bunch of people. “F*ck Star Wars” is not the type of slogan you want to use to promote your clearly Star Wars-inspired sci-fi movie that could really use SW fans to boost its box office revenue, but Snyder’s team clearly missed this point. Now, there’s a raging storm over at X (formerly Twitter).

Instead of attracting Star Wars fans, Rebel Moon just turned many of them into its enemy for no reason whatsoever, and we can’t help but assume it would tank the movie to some extent. We’ll have to wait and see…but for now, we really hope that Snyder’s team does the right thing and tries to mend the fences with Star Wars.

Who are you rooting for?

Source: Slash Film