
Fast & Furious Director's 8-Year-Old Son Is The Mastermind Behind This Insane Stunt

Fast & Furious Director's 8-Year-Old Son Is The Mastermind Behind This Insane Stunt
Image credit: Legion-Media

Just another evidence that there is nothing stronger than family.

Fast cars, crazy stunts, and family drama — that's what the Fast & Furious movies are all about. And when it comes to mind-boggling car action, there's no limit to the imagination of the creative minds behind the franchise.

However, the director of Fast 9, Justin Lin, took things to a whole new level with a stunt idea that came from an unexpected source — his young son, Oqwe.

You might remember the scene where Jakob Toretto is being pursued by his brother Dom and Letty.

Jakob's in a real tight spot, he's got no escape route, so what does he do? He straight-up drives his car off a cliff. But here comes Cipher flying in with her high-tech plane that's got a massive magnet on it.

The magnet yanks his car right up from the edge of disaster. It's one of those crazy, over-the-top moments that really captures the essence of the Fast and Furious series.

In an interview with Empire Magazine, Justin Lin revealed something really surprising. Turns out, it was his own son, Oqwe, who actually came up with the idea for that awesome magnet plane scene. And Oqwe was only eight or nine years old at the time.

When they were having pre-production meetings in London, Lin would bring his son along and they would have brainstorming sessions together. Talk about a creative family dynamic.

The meetings often involved playing with toy cars, which helped stimulate their creativity. As the team struggled to figure out how to rescue Jakob from the chase scene, Oqwe chimed in with the perfect solution — a plane with a magnet.

It's incredible how the uninhibited imagination of a child can inject fresh and inventive energy into a movie. Oqwe's idea perfectly aligned with the absurdity and fun that the Fast films became known for. When Fast 9 hit theaters, the magnet plane scene received some of the loudest cheers from the audience.

The Fast and Furious movies have always pushed the boundaries of what's possible with cars and stunts. They thrive on delivering jaw-dropping moments that defy logic.

So, the next time you find yourself watching a Fast and Furious movie, remember that even the wildest ideas can come from the most unexpected sources.

Source: Empire Magazine