Fans Think They Spotted a Sopranos Easter Egg in Succession Season 4

Fans Think They Spotted a Sopranos Easter Egg in Succession Season 4
Image credit: Legion-Media/globallookpress

Those ATN headlines, right?

When the first episode of Succession season 4 dropped, fans immediately found something new to obsess over. It's actually the usual way every season starts, so they must have been ready for a new bombshell.

But this time the creative team outdid themselves.

The credits of season 1 represented Kendall's relationship with Logan, the season represented Shiv's relationship with Logan, and the third season made it clear that it was Roman's time to steal the show.

But the montage at the beginning of the season (which sometimes hinted at the plot) is not the only thing fans love to decipher.

Another little detail the Succession fandom loves is the ATN news network and its catchy headlines that are either mysterious or hilarious – or both, like this one.

It's been more than a year and a half since the last iconic, but still controversial, line appeared at the beginning of the show's third season.

The ATN headline read, "If the poor are so poor, why aren't they thinner?", and with some of the letters covered, fans spent quite a bit of time trying to decipher the headline.

But the new headline from the first episode of season 4 totally confused the fandom.

"Man with bird flu can't stop thinking about ducks."

What could that possibly mean?

Naturally, fans began to brainstorm, and while the headline could just be a little hidden joke from the writers, some people think it could also be an homage to another iconic series.

The first question that came to mind for many fans was, "Does this have anything to do with Tony Soprano?" He was a bit of a freak when it came to ducks, wasn't he?

Remember how obsessed Tony was with his ducks and how he had a panic attack right after he realized they were flying away?

It was later determined by his therapist, Dr. Melfi, that the ducks represented his family, and that he was terrified of losing them.

Still, The Sopranos never implied that Tony had anything like "bird flu." Well, maybe it is a metaphor for how sometimes the things we want most in our lives are the ones that could actually destroy us?

Or maybe the ATN headline was just an ATN headline and Succession is just trying to mess with us... as usual.

Hopefully we'll get our answers soon, because the next episode premieres on April 3rd.