Fans Can’t Just Ignore This Big Flaw in NCIS, but Some Think It’s Justifiable

Fans Can’t Just Ignore This Big Flaw in NCIS, but Some Think It’s Justifiable
Image credit: CBS

Turns out that CBS’ police procedural giant isn’t that authentic after all.

For a huge number of viewers, police procedural shows have been a frequent choice for decades of their appearance on TV, but CBS’ long-running and unbeatable crime drama series NCIS is a different thing.

With all the variety of flicks and shows that follow guardians of common citizens’ peace catching those who violate it, NCIS has always been the one that managed to glue millions of viewers to their screens, waiting for a new season to reveal what’s going to happen next.

Despite all the merits that the more-than-twenty-years-old show can boast of compared to its younger TV peers, there still seems to be a major flaw in the entire NCIS storyline, and, surprisingly, it’s pointed out by fans who claim to have nothing to do with the police-related stuff at all.

The NCIS fan community on Reddit was flipped once again about ten days ago when a user posted a comment dwelling on how authentic the show’s approach to police work appears to be. According to them, since the very beginning of NCIS season 1 it becomes pretty clear that some actions that are usual for Special Agents in there are actually illegal in real life.

Fans Can’t Just Ignore This Big Flaw in NCIS, but Some Think It’s Justifiable - image 1

The user specified saying that “almost every episode someone asks for a lawyer and they completely ignore it. They hack into things and break into houses. I know it's just a fictional tv show but it does kind of break the imersion a little for me, yesterday I just ended up laughing and said that is so illegal.”

Another user in their reply that got most of the upvotes stated that while being an actual lawyer, they have to constantly remind themselves that it’s not a documentary, but rather a fictional show, thus confirming that the NCIS storyline is indeed somewhat inaccurate regarding certain things that are or are not allowed for the police officers.

Someone else, however, gave another angle to the show’s problem, claiming that if modern shows opted for sticking to reality and showing the police employees’ life the way it is, “they'd be boring as hell and nobody would watch.”

Others agreed, saying that such an approach “makes it more fun too” and, after all, “it is just a TV show and for entertainment.”

Source: Reddit