Even the Actor Hated This Obnoxious Lost Character

Even the Actor Hated This Obnoxious Lost Character
Image credit: ABC

Very often things tend to change for the worse and something that had a good and promising start ends up in a disaster.

This is what happened with Evangeline Lilly's character Kate Austen, who she portrayed in Lost. Initially she liked how the writers dealt with Kate but the deeper into the show the more dissatisfied she were.

Talking on The Lost Boys podcast, Lilly revealed that one of the most annoying things about her character was that Kate became too predictable.

"I felt like she became more and more predictable and obnoxious. I felt like my character went from being autonomous — really having her own story and her own journey and her own agendas — to chasing two men around the island," the actress said.

These developments bugged her so much during the filming that at one instance she even threw scripts across the room.

"I would get very frustrated by the diminishing amount of autonomy she had and the diminishing amount of her own story there was to play," she admitted.

Chasing men is not what Kate is all about but it showed how immature the character was and that she in fact had flaws.

The actress believes that a woman with flaws on screen who is at the same time an "icon of femininity" clearly sends a signal – women, just like men, should not be perfect to be loved. But if your character is flawless, you're sending a wrong message. Lilly argues that the very thing which irritated her in Kate turned out to be quite important.

Being flawed is what many Lost fans find so attractive about Kate.

"If I met her in real life I wouldn't be a fan, but seeing her whole story makes me understand her, and like her if not her actions," one of the redditors says in a thread devoted to the character.

Kate acts strongly upon her morals, and rarely lets others' opinions dictate her actions – this is the exact reason why other fans may find her annoying because people who can stand their ground do often seem annoying.

Others certainly hate Kate for exactly the same reason! They say that in the beginning she was a nice character but gradually she became one of the worst as her curiosity and stubbornness has created more problems for the group.

But some of the fans argue that Kate Austen was just a poorly written character, who was wasted at the expense of a love triangle and ratings. And this may well be the case because judging by what Lilly had to say on The Lost Boys podcast she seemed to have felt the same.