Even Ted's Haters Agree This How I Met Your Mother Scene Was Too Much

Even Ted's Haters Agree This How I Met Your Mother Scene Was Too Much
Image credit: Legion-Media

How I Met Your Mother, like many high-profile, long-running sitcoms, had a lot of the viewers believe that the supposed main character, Ted Mosby, is not the best part of the series.

However, there was as scene in the series, which made even those among the audience who disliked him intensely, whether as a character or as a person, feel for him.

We're talking about this one:

Always hated Ted’s best friends here.. one of the biggest moments in his life and Barney decides to propose on that night? Marshall and Lily couldn’t spend more than 10 min there? Always felt so bad for Ted here
by u/wizkylifa11 in HIMYM

Ted arrives at his big triumph, he gets his dream job and completes it successfully… and finds himself alone at the metaphorical and literal height of his success.

Lily and Marshall have a baby, so can only spare a few minutes to congratulate Ted.

And Barney, being himself, the most fascinating and complex character on the show, but also one of the most self-absorbed ones, uses that very evening to propose to Robin, using Ted to get her the right place at the right time.

Despite the crowd around, Ted is once again left by himself.

And he could not even blame anyone – watching the baby who is at that point a few months old takes the precedence, and Barney is the person who gave him said dream job, so he cannot even begrudge him.

But then again, one can argue that this is very emblematic for the entire show, with Ted's endless quest for "The One", his ideal woman, leaving him alone in practice, unlike either Marshall and Lily (a couple) or even Barney (a serial womanizer, who later aims for a specific woman, when he decides to settle down).

This theme was even spelled out straightforwardly in Season 8's episode, The Time Travelers, with an imaginary friend pointing out to Ted that he's all alone.

But a lot of people still find the scene above the most emotional moment of the whole show.

Perhaps because it stuck close to home for many – as you go on in life, friends drift apart, as family affairs start taking precedence over old friendships, and without a family of your own you risk being left alone.

Some even argue that Ted should have been more depressed after that episode.