Even For $12 Million, Millie Bobby Brown Doesn't Want to Drag Stranger Things Beyond S5

Even For $12 Million, Millie Bobby Brown Doesn't Want to Drag Stranger Things Beyond S5
Image credit: Legion-Media

Stranger Things is a great example of how a show no one expected to perform becomes a worldwide praised phenomenon.

Netflix never counted on this series hitting the big leagues; however, it quickly turned out to be one of the company's best decisions.

With a fan base all around the globe, every new season of Stranger Things was a massive topic for discussion on the internet: theories, speculations, debates, and all the other good stuff every respectable fandom rejoices in.

Stranger Things has five seasons now and is coming to an end. But the fact that it had such a great run still doesn't allow its creators to sleep peacefully: rumor has it, they are actively considering making a Stranger Things spin-off movie.

As expected, since this news started spreading, everyone has been pondering whether Milly Bobby Brown, Stranger Things' main star, was going to take part in the potentially upcoming spin-off.

Her presence would have cemented the movie's success as her Eleven is the franchise's most recognizable character.

But the creators are not getting Milly Bobby Brown back, it seems.

Earlier this month, in her interview with Seventeen, the actress claimed that she was done with the Stranger Things franchise and wanted to move on to new projects she had in her pipeline.

"I'm definitely ready to wrap up. <...> I'm very ready to say goodbye to this chapter of my life and open new ones up," Milly Bobby Brown claims in the interview.

She also adds that she's grateful to Stranger Things, but the main point still stands: she's not coming back to this franchise.

If we return to the unexplored rumor territory, though, her intentions seem to be even more serious than they may appear based solely on the interview.

Reportedly, the actress refused a grand offer of $12.5M for starring in the possibly-upcoming Stranger Things movie!

While this information is not confirmed, it definitely falls in line with her statements — and potentially shows just how determined she is to move on from being associated with the franchise.