Doctor Who Star Wishes She Could Change One Key Detail About Rose's Ending

Doctor Who Star Wishes She Could Change One Key Detail About Rose's Ending
Image credit: Legion-Media

Billie Piper knows exactly what Rose Tyler would have wanted to change in her arc.

Rose Tyler is one of the fan-favorite Doctor's companions. Her widely loved character has become the key to reintroducing Doctor Who to the general public after a 16-year hiatus. From Episode 1, Rose served as an audience substitute helping viewers get to know and fall in love with the newly revived Doctor Who.

The passionate and brave blond character grew so much that she stayed on the show longer than the 9th Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) and became the 10th Doctor's (David Tennant) love interest. Their relationship was very tender and strictly platonic right up until Rose's final regular appearance in the Season 2 finale titled Doomsday.

In the episode, Rose got trapped in the parallel universe, and the walls between the universes were sealed. Though the Doctor was heartbroken over such an unexpected separation from Rose, it was not her last appearance in the show.

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In the Season 4 finale, Rose found a crack between her and the Doctor's universes and came back to save reality from Daleks. At the end of the episode, she returned to her new universe but not alone. The 10th Doctor's half-human copy known as the Meta-Crisis Doctor went with her.

It was a truly touching moment. Rose finally got together with the Doctor. Even though he was not exactly the same Doctor she spend two seasons with, the copy loved her as much as the original and was half-human which allowed the couple to grow old together. It was hard to watch the real Doctor's two hearts being broken when he was leaving Rose again, this time with his own version.

This ending is exactly what Billie Piper, the actress playing Rose, would change about her arc in the show. In an interview dedicated to Piper's latest project, I Hate Suzie Too, the star told Buzzfeed that Rose should have gone off with the 10th Doctor instead of the Meta-Crisis Doctor.

"It's not a criticism of Russell T. Davies, because he is the master, but I struggled with that," the actress added as the video posted on TikTok shows.

When asked why she would prefer the Time-Lord Doctor to the Meta-Crisis one, Piper explained it was "because the second Doctor is less good than the real one," to the approval of fans on TikTok.