
Deleted Twilight Scene Will Make You Love The Cullen Parents More Than You Already Do

Deleted Twilight Scene Will Make You Love The Cullen Parents More Than You Already Do
Image credit: Legion-Media

Even though they're not the show's main power couple, they still deserve more credit than they got.

The 2008 movie Twilight introduced us to Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, and ever since, the whole world has been obsessed with a human-vampire relationship.

But that's not all. After meeting Edward's family, half of the fandom turned into real vampire apologists, trying to cosplay them, hiding from the light, and acting mysterious.

Yes, the global obsession really happened after Hollywood discovered Stephenie Meyer's Twilight saga and turned it into a successful movie franchise.

The movies introduced us to a lot of different characters. Some we liked more, others got much less fan love. The ones that received quite controversial feedback were Esme and Carlisle Cullens, Edward's "parents".

Some of the fans claimed this couple never had enough chemistry in the movie. The rest of them were sure they showed enough of it to convince the viewers that they deserve their place in the movie.

In the end, it's hard to fully analyze whether the choice was right because the couple really didn't have that much of a screen time.

However, it turns out that the audience could have had more of them if it weren't for that one deleted scene.

It also seems that this very scene would make fans who love them double their love, and those who don't finally open their hearts to the Cullens.

Since Esme and Carlisle weren't shown much together, it was hard to believe in their passionate marriage. And the deleted scene we told you about earlier would have convinced the audience that they were really close.

So when the (in)famous "hold on tight, spider monkey" scene happened, when Bella and Edward were jumping from tree to tree, the parallel scene was Esme and Carlisle sitting at home talking.

And Esme brings up in their dialogue that Bella "brought Edward to life" and tries to convince her husband that everything will be fine between Bella and Edward. After a little warm discussion, they share a kiss.

It seems that the movie writers never gave their characters enough credit. In the book, Esme is portrayed as a passionate caregiver, as is Carlisle.

But the movie robbed them of many qualities they could have had, leaving them without all the fan love there could be.