
Deleted Scenes From Your Favorite Movies You'll Be Glad You Never Saw

Deleted Scenes From Your Favorite Movies You'll Be Glad You Never Saw
Image credit: Legion-Media

If you ever felt sad about a scene being cut from a movie, remember some of the axed scenes could have ruined your favorite films forever.

Every movie goes through the editing process. Sometimes deleted scenes make viewers wonder why they were not added in the film.

In other instances, a deleted scene may feel so foreign to a movie that it only makes people happier to realize it wasn't included.

The Shawshank Redemption

When guards find out about Andy's escape, there was a sequence in which a young guard went through the hole in the wall to investigate its destination.

As anticipated, it led to the sewage pipe, causing the warden to complain and retch so loud that the entire cell block heard it, much to Red's amusement.

While it was a comical moment, it was entirely inappropriate.


There was a cut scene featuring Bill Murray and Dan Akroyd portraying homeless people.

Although they attempted fake accents, they were easily recognizable, leading test audiences to question why Venkman and Stanz suddenly became vagrants.


In this Titanic deleted scene Molly Brown asks for some ice right when the iceberg appears behind her. The idea of this scene might be to show how many passengers were unaware of what is about to happen.

But it was a good decision to cut it because the humor of the scene weakens the intensity of the iceberg collision.

Independence Day

There is an alternative ending to Independence Day in which Randy Quaid, who is drunk, pilots his old plane into the alien spacecraft.

This ending makes no sense and viewers agreed it would mess up the movie.

Batman ( 2022)

There is a deleted scene of Batman consulting Joker. Fans generally agree that Barry Keoghan's performance is great in this scene.

However, the scene itself seems irrelevant and unnecessary.

Back to the future

In this deleted scene Marty is worried that travelling in time might turn him.. gay. It is awkward and doesn't make any sense — and it certainly wouldn't age well.

In Bruges

In the deleted scene a younger version of Ralph Fiennes' character murders a police officer in a comical and absurd manner.

This would feel so out of place, and it's great it was cut as the story didn't lose anything without it.