Definitive Proof Friends & HIMYM Are Essentially The Same Show

Definitive Proof Friends & HIMYM Are Essentially The Same Show
Image credit: Legion-Media

There will be no more teaming up between fans to decide which show is better.

Let's face it, everyone loves a good sitcom. The ones you can watch and laugh along with the laughing people in the background.

You can let your hair down for the 20-30 minutes an episode lasts (although we usually watch at least 10 episodes in one sitting).

And you can always count on a show to give you something to think about, or a complicated love story to follow with your heart.

Yes, there is no doubt that every TV lover has his or her own favorite sitcom.

And there was usually a huge confrontation between two clans of fans of two particular shows – Friends and How I Met Your Mother.

Always arguing about which one was funnier, had better characters, more interesting storylines, and so on. Let's answer all these questions at once: the show's are absolutely similar! And we have proof.

First of all, these are two shows about a group of friends trying to live their best lives in New York. It is good to mention that they are all white and heterosexual.

Two groups have a place where they hang out every day and in that place they have a regular employee who becomes a friend during the series.

Not only is the setting identical, but so is the plot! Rachel and Robin are both kind of outsiders and only join an already established group of friends in the pilot episode.

And the nerdy guy – Ross in Friends and Ted in HIMYM – immediately falls in love with the new girl.

Definitive Proof Friends & HIMYM Are Essentially The Same Show - image 1

Throughout the season, there are a lot of questions about whether they will be together, and finally, at the end of the season, both couples start dating. Hooray!

Love is not the only thing that unites Ted and Ross. They both have some geeky jobs and then become professors. And while in college, they both start dating their students (sorry, love line again). They both met their best friends in college.

Now about them.

Marshall and Chandler are the "funny guys" of the group. They each hate their jobs, have an existential crisis, and end up becoming stay-at-home dads for a short period of time.

Well, before that, they both get married to the groups' "moms," Lily and Monica.

These female characters also have a lot in common. They are both the wisest in their groups and like to be in control. They have their guilty pleasures, like shopping for Lily and cleaning for Monica.

Last but not least – the ladies' man of two shows, represented by Joey in Friends and Barney in HIMYM.

For a short period of time, they fall in love with the "new girl" and even date her, but in the end, nothing works out between them.

Well, we should probably stop here, because we may have already ruined your life with this piece of analysis. But look on the bright side!

It means that fans shouldn't argue about "the best" anymore, since they both love the same show.