Days Of Our Lives Behind The Scenes Drama Gets More Soapy Than The Show Itself

Days Of Our Lives Behind The Scenes Drama Gets More Soapy Than The Show Itself
Image credit: Legion-Media

More actors join the toxic work environment allegations.

Not many people realize how demanding soaps are as a genre. In order to produce them as cheaply as possible so that the networks will keep them on the air, every member of the cast and crew has to work twice as hard as on any other set. There are no unnecessary breaks, no improvisation, no distractions from the schedule.

And that process can be very easily ruined by someone making the filming process more difficult than it already is.

The Days Of Our Lives found this out the hard way, as the process was allegedly under constant scrutiny by both the director and co-executive producer Albert Alarr. The misconduct investigation, which began in March, stemmed from a complaint about the firings.

However, as Deadline later learned, many staff and crew members had more complaints to add about Alarr's behavior. From intentionally putting people down to making numerous inappropriate comments about cast members, especially female cast members, Albert Alarr's name has been attached to a lot of allegations.

Now that former Days of Our Lives stars are coming out in the open, the drama is getting even more heated. One of the examples is the soap's vet Lisa Rinna, who portrayed the one and only Billie Reed, who didn't hold back with a comment:

"Well, this took a long time. Let's see, when's the last time I went over there and did that week on Peacock? I couldn't believe the work environment. It was disgusting. I was shocked. I let many people know how I felt — Albert included," the actress stated in a now-deleted Instagram story.

The outcome of the investigation was underwhelming, to say the least. Alarr did not lose any influence on the show, but was given a written warning and forced to undergo training. Would that be enough to change the imbalance of power on the Days of Our Lives set? The majority of the public doubts it, as do the cast and crew.

However, all the media coverage the story has received would definitely help boost the soap's ratings and shame Albert Alarr in the public eye.

Source: Deadline