David Fincher Kills All Hope For Mindhunter Revival

David Fincher Kills All Hope For Mindhunter Revival
Image credit: Netflix

It seems that the filmmaker has finally accepted that there is no way the show will be revived and has moved on.

David Fincher has made a name for himself as the creator of some exceptionally great thrillers, ever since he became famous almost overnight after making Seven back in 1995.

Since then, he has delivered one masterpiece after another, responsible for such genre gems as Fight Club, Zodiac, Gone Girl, and many more.

But if there is one truly frustrating project with the filmmaker's name attached to it, it is undoubtedly the TV series Mindhunter, not because it was bad, but on the contrary because of how great it was and how abruptly it ended.

Created by Joe Penhall and produced by Fincher, the psychological crime thriller TV series was canceled after its only second season, despite being praised by critics and fans alike and leaving the story unfinished, and there have been talks and rumors about its possible revival.

In almost every interview, the filmmaker has been asked about the future of the show and whether it might get a second chance, but Fincher has repeatedly stated that it is highly unlikely that it will ever happen.

However, he always said how great it was to work on Mindhunter, and he never completely ruled out the possibility of a return, mentioning that it was "probably" over.

But it seems that Fincher has finally accepted that the TV series is indeed gone for good, as in an interview with French outlet Le Journal du Dimanche, he stated that while he was proud of the quality of the series, they didn't manage to attract enough viewers to make the expense worthwhile.

Regardless, for him it was good while it lasted and the filmmaker is grateful that Netflix was willing to take such risks in the first place and continue to work with him on projects like 2020's Mank and the just-released The Killer, so it is "a blessing" for Fincher to be able to work with them.

While it is quite sad that Mindhunter is now officially in the past, Fincher's latest collaboration with Netflix, the aforementioned The Killer, seems to have paid off handsomely, as the movie received quite positive reviews from fans and critics alike.

Hopefully, with the help of the streaming service, the filmmaker will continue to deliver masterpieces for years to come.

Source: Le Journal du Dimanche via Collider