
Daniel Radcliffe And Emma Watson Fought on Harry Potter Set: 'She Was Furious, I Was Livid'

Daniel Radcliffe And Emma Watson Fought on Harry Potter Set: 'She Was Furious, I Was Livid'
Image credit: Legion-Media

The Harry Potter franchise provided millions of people around the world with a magical childhood and even an opportunity to make new friends.

It did the same for the main characters' actors, but things haven't always been good between them.

We all know Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson to be best friends both on-screen in the good old Harry Potter movies, and off-screen.

Over the many years the filming took, the trio became as close as their characters, and it's yet another wholesome side-product of the franchise.

Having spent the majority of their childhood and teenage years together, the Harry Potter stars have developed a sibling-type relationship, and now they always warm up when talking about each other in the interviews.

It's noticeable and cute, and it's hard to imagine them having real fights — but having fights they did.

In an interview with Radio Times, Daniel Radcliffe was asked about his relationship with Emma Watson, and he recalled them constantly arguing and upsetting each other during their heated debates.

Their arguments could be about anything, both big and insignificant, Daniel remembers: religion, politics, ancient languages, you name it.

But they always ended up the same way — with Dan and Emma ignoring each other for a couple of days and then inevitably making up again.

In one of the cases, the actor vividly recalls, they fought over… Latin language!

Emma said that no one knew what Latin actually sounded like, and Daniell countered it by claiming it was widely known since Latin was still being actively used in the Catholic church.

This happened during the filming of Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, and the debate between the young actors got way too heated in a matter of seconds — they didn't even speak to each other for a couple of days afterward.

"Such a w**ky argument, looking back, and it got totally out of hand. She was furious; I was livid," shared Daniel in the interview.

But Daniel Radcliffe wouldn't have been himself if he didn't learn something from that experience and tried to save others from repeating his mistakes.

In this case, he warned the good people about the dangers of trying to argue with Emma Watson — and shared his painfully gained wisdom:

"If you're going to debate with her, know your s**t."

So for any of you out there who might happen to come across Emma in the nearest future, watch your language and don't bring up any eternal issues.

And most certainly, don't even mention the Latin language around her!

Source: Radio Times