
Daniel Radcliffe All In For a 'Bloodbath' Evil Twins Movie With Elijah Wood

Daniel Radcliffe All In For a 'Bloodbath' Evil Twins Movie With Elijah Wood
Image credit: Warner Bros.

Sounds like a fever dream, when's the premiere? If you haven't heard of people constantly comparing Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood, you probably live under a rock. The stars of the Harry

Sounds like a fever dream, when's the premiere?

If you haven't heard of people constantly comparing Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood, you probably live under a rock. The stars of the Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings franchises do indeed boast an uncanny resemblance; which is why many people crave to see them in one movie.

Well, it turns out that at least one of the duo is on board with the idea. Moreover, when one Redditor suggested a very specific idea for a joint movie, Daniel Radcliffe was very enthusiastic about it.

The idea in question?

"Can you and Elijah Wood make a movie where you're twins and one of you is evil but we don't know which until the bloodbath is ending?" was the pitch from a fan.

Radcliffe responded with "YES!" — in capital letters.

"Just write that movie! And absolutely! Let's do this! Or there could be a film where one of us, is like, an impersonator of the other? We've got to eke out some mileage out of this mistaken identity!" the actor wrote in his AMA session.

To be fair, the AMA session took place a whole nine years ago, so it looks like Daniel's enthusiasm was not enough for us to get his joint evil twins movie with Wood after all.

However, the industry has learned to do good fanservice recently, so who knows — maybe, the "bloodbath" between Radcliffe and Wood is not as impossible as we think it is today.

Source: Reddit