Crazy Sex And The City Fan Theory That Could Easily Blow Up The Internet If True

Crazy Sex And The City Fan Theory That Could Easily Blow Up The Internet If True
Image credit: HBO

What’s in your head, in your head (sung as The Cranberries)...

Show us a woman who hasn't seen at least one season or episode of Sex and the City? It seems impossible. Well, no wonder. The show had become a true icon, celebrating women in every way possible.

As the four very different main characters, Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha and Miranda, shared their difficult journeys to happiness, we spent 6 seasons believing that anything is possible. You just have to believe (and work hard, yes).

Over the years, the four of them went through so many twists and turns in their lives, and frankly, sometimes it seemed a little unreal. Like, how is it possible to run into the same guy 10 times a day in New York City, right?

So one fan took that little thought and turned it into something really big. The now-deleted Redditor created a post on the platform suggesting that all of these stories from the show never actually happened in real life.

According to his theory, Carrie's "friends" weren't real. She was just a very imaginative writer who created all the stories in her head. It's like she imagined herself being all those women if she followed different paths in her life.

To write her column, Carrie didn't actually go on all those numerous dates, didn't have sex with a whole bunch of guys, and definitely couldn't have had three more friends with the same active dating lifestyle.

Crazy Sex And The City Fan Theory That Could Easily Blow Up The Internet If True - image 1

Well, needless to say, if this theory were actually true, it would simply ruin everything about the show. While it still seems like an interesting twist, there's no way the writers of the show would ever reveal it in the near future. Because if they did, the fandom would just go crazy.

Yes, Carrie was indeed very imaginative, but let's hope that her skills ended with picking the headlines for her column and not the entire lives of many people...

Source: Reddit