Crazy GoT Theory Offers The Best Possible Bran Ending (Not the Garbage We Received)

Crazy GoT Theory Offers The Best Possible Bran Ending (Not the Garbage We Received)
Image credit: Legion-Media

The last few seasons of the great series have brought a lot of confusion to the show's narrative. Many questions were not resolved, leaving fans to fill in the story gaps that the writers decided to drop.

In the world of Game of Thrones, theories and speculations have always been a source of fascination for fans. There have been countless discussions over the years, analyzing every intricate detail of the show.

And recently, a theory has emerged that offers an alternative perspective on Bran Stark's journey and the significance of his abilities.

Redditor TrustedVault claims to have unraveled the writers' plot from the moment Bran entered Hodor's mind and saw the past.

After that point, the fan had no trouble imagining a development in which Lord Stark merged the minds of the Mad King and Dany.

According to the assumption, when the Mother of Dragons attacked King's Landing, her only desire was to burn the capital as her ancestor had once done.

This would not only have added motivation to the character. It would have explained her actions. Finally, fans found such an abrupt change in the queen's mood unnatural.

On the one hand, the theory seems far-fetched. Viewers still assume that the writers simply got bored with the material and decided to get rid of the character in this way.

On the other hand, in season 2, we saw a vision of Dany standing in a burned hall with ashes falling like snow.

Perhaps the writers intended this development all along. The theory has something to think about. Bran may have deliberately set the Mother of Dragons up to eliminate her and become a pretender to the throne.

In the end, Lord Stark was chosen as King of Westeros, and Jon killed Dany and was exiled to the Wall, even though he was actually the primary heir to the throne by blood.

However, many fans are not happy with this line of thinking.

"I'm not a fan of these theories but I'm not a fan of omnipresent characters in general. They leave a wake of plot holes all over the place and have to be artificially nerfed so anything interesting can happen," Redditor nemma88 said.

However, the author of the assumption agreed with the fan. The time travel aspect may ruin any tension and development, since Bran can just fix any messy situation with his abilities.

This theory is just another conjecture that has no confirmation. But it adds another layer to the show. Maybe one day we will know the answer.

But until George Martin finishes the books, the question remains open.

Source: Reddit