
Crazy Fan Theory Turns Twilight Saga Into Another Break Up Drama, But It's Actually Good

Crazy Fan Theory Turns Twilight Saga Into Another Break Up Drama, But It's Actually Good
Image credit: Summit Entertainment

What does the future hold for the beloved Twilight couple?

The Twilight Saga is probably one of the most romanticized franchises in cinema. Since the first movie was released in 2008, it has become a cultural phenomenon, turning people into obsessive fans.

Based on the original books by Stephenie Meyer, the story of vampire Edward and human Bella falling in love and overcoming many obstacles on their way to a happy marriage was on everyone's lips for years and is still actively discussed by fans online. People have been so obsessed with the couple that they have romanticized every detail of Edward and Bella's relationship, even the ones that are frankly not that natural or even healthy.

Recently, however, fans have begun to rethink their opinion of the iconic couple and speculate on what would have happened to them in the future.

As we know, Bella was practically a child when she met Edward. He was her first boyfriend, and she had butterflies in her stomach and all that. And Edward… Well, he was attracted to her, as has been said many times, because of her smell, which made all vampires go crazy.

But after she was turned into a vampire, wouldn't the romantic mystery go away? Maybe Edward would feel less obsessed, or more likely — what if Bella decided he wasn't the one and wanted to leave him? Fans of the saga have something interesting to say about that.

"I guarantee you Bella would've taken [their daughter] Renesmee and left to start her own coven, and Alice would be hard-pressed not to go with her. It'd be great if it was told from Alice's perspective and she had to choose between Jasper's affection for Edward and her own affection for Bella," a fan said on Reddit.

Lots of people agreed to that, suggesting their own versions for how the story could develop.

"Ten years later: Bella gets bored of Edward; he's no longer 'other' and attractive. Now she wants to explore the wild side of vampirism. I don't think she'd ever regret being changed, but I do think she would completely regret being married to Edward and his vegetarian ways," another Redditor commented.

As much as these theories are compelling, we'll probably never see them acted out on screen. Also, one thing from the Twilight canon that seems to overturn the fan ideas is that Edward noted a number of times that it's really hard for a vampire to change their feelings. This means that, if Bella is truly in love with her husband, she'll likely stay with him forever.

Source: Reddit