Crazy Fan Theory Explains Major Plot Twist Foreshadowing in You

Crazy Fan Theory Explains Major Plot Twist Foreshadowing in You
Image credit: Legion-Media

You might've been missing those hints from season 1.

If you follow the story of Joe Goldberg in the psychological thriller You, you know about his sudden changes in season 4.

Previously known to audiences as an obsessive and manic stalker interested in young women, Joe has locked away the darkest parts of himself, eventually splitting his mind into two very different parts.

This change was very unexpected and gave the audience a chance to see the character from the other side, fighting his own demons.

However, what may have been unexpected to most seems to have been a long time coming decision on second glance.

After the season finale, with the whole picture painted in front of them, fans decided to take a second look at the show and found some moments that could have predicted this twist.

"In season 3, Joe hallucinated a conversation with himself. All the way back in season 1, Joe's therapist also mentions there being two versions of him," Redditor TriggerDaTeddy shared their thoughts on how these changes in Joe's mentality were previously foreshadowed by the writers.

Viewers recall many other moments of Joe's seemingly split personality throughout the show, but many of them are related to drugs or hallucinations, which is why they didn't seem too reliable for building a character at the time.

Today, with all 4 seasons of You available for streaming, fans are re-watching it, trying to analyze Joe more and understand his twisted mind a bit better.

In the best Internet fashion, mental diagnoses are also being thrown into the discussion: viewers see sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies in Goldberg's actions, but there's no such thing officially mentioned on the show.

Now that Joe has come to terms with his dark side in the season 4 finale, fans are wondering how season 5 would go if the show gets the green light from Netflix again.

There is no official information on whether the show will be renewed, so stay tuned for more news!