Concrete Proof Young Sheldon's George Is as Bad as TBBT Sheldon Said (Maybe Even Worse)

Concrete Proof Young Sheldon's George Is as Bad as TBBT Sheldon Said (Maybe Even Worse)
Image credit: CBS

The Coopers are a respectable family, and George is depicted as a hard-working father who loves his wife and kids (for the most part).

Young Sheldon has repeatedly told us that George and Mary were high school sweethearts, and has implied that Mary got pregnant with Georgie when she was young and unmarried.

According to various sources, George is about six or seven years older than Mary.

In the season 6 episode, Ruthless, Toothless, and a Week of Bed Rest, Missy reveals some new info about her parents' history.

After George scares off a guy Missy likes because he is too old for her, she gets defensive and calls George out on his hypocrisy, saying that the parents themselves weren't high school sweethearts as Mary was in high school, but George was already 25.

Anyone else creeped out by this?

This is the first time we have heard of their actual ages at the beginning of their relationship, and it is alarming.

When George was 25, Mary was about 18 or 19 years old, which is legally past the age of consent, but basically, she was still a teenager, and he was already a young adult. You know where we are going with this, right?

Young Sheldon has been pretty inconsistent with the Coopers' ages throughout the seasons. We were led to believe that Mary was as young as Georgie when she had her first child, but in reality, she was at least a few years older than him.

In fact, some sources claim that Georgie was born in 1975, and Mary's birth year is 1950, meaning that she had him at the age of 25, which is not that young (especially not for rural Texas at the time).

In season 5, Mary is canonically 42 years old, while Georgie is 17, so that puts her at 25 when she got pregnant with him.

Was this the writers' attempt to right their wrongs and to make George less of a pervert, or was it an honest oversight on their part because they just got confused with everyone's ages?

Unclear. However, even if Mary wasn't as young as we thought when she got knocked up, her beginnings with George are still concerning.

We love all the Coopers just the same, but maybe it's-OK-to-date-high-schoolers-when-you're-25 is not the healthiest message that the show could be sending.

Don't even get us started on Mandy and Georgie…