
Captain America Solo Outing Goes From Bad to Worse with Five Villains Rumored

Captain America Solo Outing Goes From Bad to Worse with Five Villains Rumored
Image credit: Legion-Media

Just how many is too many?

It looks like Captain America 's solo outing is going to be a bit of a nightmare, as rumor shared by MyTimeToShineH is stating that Sam will be going up against no less than five villains. President Ross, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, and The Leader have already been confirmed, but there are two more as yet unrevealed villains in the mix as well.

Rumor has it that Jessica Chastain is being considered for one of these roles, but at this point, it's hard to say who else might be involved. After all, it's Marvel, and securing yet another huge celebrity casting isn't going to be a problem for the studio. Recent casting choices, however, earned their fair share of fans' disappointment.

"I can't believe they're considering Jessica Chastain as one of the villains. She's a fantastic actress, but I don't think she's right for this role. It just feels like they're trying too hard to cram as many big names into this movie as possible, and it's going to end up being a disaster," as one of the MCU fans put it.

Fans of the Antony Mackie's character are not exactly thrilled about the news about Sam Wilson going after so many villains.

"This is ridiculous," one fan wrote on social media. "They're clearly trying to pack too much into this movie and it's going to be a mess. I have a feeling they're not going to give any of these villains the time they deserve, and it's just going to be chaos on screen."

Some fans went on expressing additional skepticism about the very idea of The Falcon being Captain America.

"I always remembered them as separate characters," one fan commented, "and to merge them together is kind of weird. I mean, having the shield and flying just seems cumbersome."

Others are taking a more sarcastic tone, with one fan saying, "Because as we all know... every superhero movie with multiple villains that are all underdeveloped always works."

It looks like this solo outing for Captain America is going to be met with a fair amount of pessimism from fans, and it remains to be seen whether the filmmakers will be able to turn things around and deliver a satisfying story. Captain America 4 is due for premiere on May 3, 2024.