Brace Yourself: 10 K-Dramas With Heartbreaking Plot Twists

Brace Yourself: 10 K-Dramas With Heartbreaking Plot Twists
Image credit: Legion-Media

We all love K-dramas for their lighthearted romantic nature and the feeling that nothing can go wrong with their adorable characters. However, sometimes you just need to take off your pink glasses and stare into the harsh face of reality, and K-dramas will surely have you covered if you want to add a little bit of heartbreak to your life.

Here are 10 K-dramas with the most heartbreaking twists:

Despite being one of the happiest nations in the world (at least according to their TV shows), Koreans still know a lot about heartbreak, as the shows listed above will surely prove.

Even though some of the plot twists in K-dramas may seem a bit cheesy at first, Korean writers never really digress to shocking the viewer just for the sake of it, using plot twists only when necessary.

And oh boy, are the revelations in these shows heartbreaking! But sudden reveals and heartbreaking truths are not the only reasons to watch the above projects! Each of them has an intriguing storyline to match the twist, and this practice always found in K-dramas can actually teach a lot to some of Hollywood's writers, who sometimes add plot twists to save the plot of the movie, not to enhance it.